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Chapter 1 : Wonder woman to your batman

Neko's  POV

Mondays is a curse from hell , it always interrupts my sleep for a fricking education centre were I learn to have a good occupation and  learn were is my   population status is if I'm a nerd , jock , emo, artistic , bad boy/ girl or just a plan old cheer leading slut .

I was now getting dressed for the first day of senior year and I was going for my I don't care look so I wore a black Bennie over my curly black hair with said LIFE SUCKS and a black knee length dress with a black leather jacket covering my strapless dress with a ankles black vintage boots .

If anyone is surprise about how I looked I'm just going to say bookworm can dress normal too u know .

I walked down stairs to the kitchen to see my head maid Ms. Lance .

" Good morning Neko " she said and hugged me and I hugged her back she's like my mom now since my real one  died and Ms. Lance treat me so well like her own child and I'm great full for it .

" good morning to you too Ms. Lance I have to go now and by the way can you pas me that Apple please  " I asked her politely and she went cover to the counter and pas me the apple and thanked her and ran outside to my driver Adam and went in the passenger side of the car  and put on my sit belt .

" Good morning Adam " I said giving him a bright smile .

" well if isn't it the ray of sunshine " he said  smiling at me and I laughed .

" Adam I'm wearing full black how could I be a ray of sunshine, I more look like the fricking zombie Apocalypse " I said he started laughing hard .

" OK OK  let me drive you to school now before you are later " he said and started to drive.

School was 15 minutes away from my home and it was 7:25 am and school started 8:00 am  so there's a lot of time left to go to the school library and read my favorite books.

Five minutes had just pasted and I'm thinking about my beloved family , after they died I didn't cry or any thing I was just shocked that my whole  family is gone but even tho they were gone I had my servants but I don't call them that I call them the Summers family , Adam and I are  close he's 20 years old with blonde hair and green eyes and he's gay yeah me and he's also originally from Canada , he's like my best friend any time I want to talk about my problems he's there, he was dating my big brother Nathaniel and when he died , Adam was broken on till we slowly learned to move on bit by bit .

" were here Neko "  Adam said with a mischievous smile that little octopus face knows I don't like school .

" wish me luck man " said to him and dramatically fake cry and he started to laugh and I got out the car with bag on my back and my iPhone in my hand and looked at Adam with my puppy eyes trying to convince him to carry me back home .

" no I'm not falling for your puppy eyes like I did the last time and made you miss the first two days of school last year " he said with a smirk .

" ahh man you caught me and my evil plan " I said with sarcasm lace in my voice .

" wait one second " he said and came out of the car and stood right in front of me and put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes.

" you don't have to fear high wait maybe a little bit but make every moment you have special and if a bitch messes with you text me and I'll be there like joker to your Harlie Quinn , like Wonder woman to your Batman you know what I mean " he said with a  bright smile and hugged me and I hugged him back and we pulled apart.

" do people actually ship batman and Wonder woman " I ask him .

" I don't know but your luck I did use one of my gay ships " Adam said chuckling .

" OK tell me one of your gay ships " I asked.

" OK here we go dead pool and spider man and it's not only me who ship them almost every one on wattpad " he says .

" that's actually true, I was looking for a yaoi pics for my anime ships on wattpad and I saw loads of dead pool and spider man ships " I said in a matter of fact .

" you should go now have a great day at school to day sunshine" and he went in the car and drove away  leaving me alone with a bunch of kids looking at me .

Hope you like this chapter
Remember to :

Love Nova

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