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      Music, probably the only thing in this world that makes sense. Everything else just happens for unknown reasons; that's why I choose to block it all out. I just put on my headphones and listen to the beat of the song and how it fits perfectly with the lyrics, just like the way puzzle pieces fit together.

I think the reason I like music so much is because no matter how much people talk about me, music blocks it all out. I mean we all want something that numbs the pain and that's what music does for me. Sometimes I wish I was strong enough to help myself without having to use something as a pain killer, but I'm not. But that's okay, because not all people can help themselves.

Sometimes we need a boost, and there's nothing wrong with that. Although, I do hope one day I'll be strong enough to help myself, but I guess I'll never be able to if I don't try to go on my own one day without music.

It's just upsetting when you hear people call you names, or talk about you behind your back. Especially when they call you their 'friend'.

I didn't always listen to music twenty-four seven, but I can barely remember that. After all, it was about eight years ago that I started listening to music constantly, the way I do know. If I want to change this habit it will be hard, considering I've been doing this for the past eight years. 

Many people have tried to talk to me but I'm just afraid of getting hurt so I ignore them, but nobody's hurting me anymore, except for me. I've just forgotten how to communicate with people, I want that to change but I have no idea how to alter it. 

Wonderland {a.i} on holdWhere stories live. Discover now