Chapter 15- Mini Vacation

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Chapter 15- Mini Vacation

I looked out the window and saw how the weather sympathized with my mood, gloomy and uninterested. After the events yesterday, I asked Seth and Amy to take me home. I haven't uttered another word since.

I carefully stripped myself of my clothing and got in the shower just as someone knocked on my door, are you kidding me? Why can't they leave me alone? I won't kill myself, at least I think so. I put on my robe and went to the front door.

The word surprised is an understatement, I was not expecting this. My eyes widened in horror as my eyes landed on the faces of the people standing in front on me, my parents, my sisters, even Amy is here. Then my eyes landed on a very familiar green eyed man.

"Wha-what?" That was all I could manage to get get out of my mouth. Safe to say, I was speechless.

"Hi sweetie" My mother greeted me who stepped forward and gave me a hug before stepping inside my apartment.

"Come in" I opened the door wider for the rest of my guests to step inside my small apartment. Seth went in last who gave me a very intimidating eye contact. Our little moment was interrupted when my father cleared his throat, though I think he did that on purpose. Our heads snapped to my father who gave a small chuckle.

"Ysabel Crest, will you put on some clothes." My mother reminded me which caused my cheeks to turn into a bright shade of red.

I scampered out of the room and into my own, I let out a sigh as soon as I closed the door. I slumped on the floor to calm my nerves, how can I forget that I was in a robe? How do I always end up with little clothing when Seth is around? If this is some kind of sign, I'll be damned. I do not need to stand butt naked in front of Seth, that would be embarrassing.

I stood up a minute later and put my hair into a messy bun, I put on a white sundress and paired in with a cream colored cardigan. I strapped on my nude pumps and sat down in front of my dresser to put on some light make up. I was about to place some lipstick when my sisters barged in my room with the words "drop it."

My eyes snapped to where they were and they walked towards me. "What is wrong with you two?" I asked and placed my lipstick back where I got it.

"Nothing, we just wanted to have a dramatic entrance, love the outfit but your hair, I don't like what you did with your hair." Sarah started babbling and removed the tie I used on my hair.

"Denise, work on her make-up, I will do what I can with her hair." My sister barked orders as if I didn't know how to dress myself up.

Denise came up to me with a sly grin on her face. "Denise" I narrowed my eyes at her, warning her not to make me look like a clown.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, not that I don't mind being dressed up once in a while. Denise started to place some eyeshadow on me.

"The tension in the other room was palpable and we can't take it, so we thought we could help you get dressed. They have a surprise for you." Sarah said all those while tugging and straightening my hair.

Half an hour later, my sisters were done placing, pulling, curling, straightening, brushing and of course, giggling. "Seth is not going to take his eyes off you now." Sarah muttered but I heard her perfectly. They didn't even let me look at the outcome and they pushed me towards the living room.

Seth was the first to notice me and safe to say, he was stunned. I don't know whether he approves or not because I can't read his expression. My parents were next, my mother gasped and my father stood up looking proud. He went to take my hand and watched as he placed a small peck on top of my hand.

"Stunning as ever Ysabel." My father smiled proudly and I can't help but smile back.

"What about us?" Sarah and Denise stumbled out of my room with pouts on their lips, I let out a chuckles while my father did to them what he did to me.

"Are we all ready to go?" Amy asked as she stood up, all of them nodded except for me. I don't know where we're going!

"Where are we going?" I asked them and none of them spoke, my eyes landed on each of them, then stopped at Seth's. "Well?" I placed my hands on my hips and none of them even dared to speak.

"We thought you need some time to relax. So we arranged for us to go somewhere..." My father trailed off. I waited for another person to speak and Seth did this time.

"I arranged for all of us to to go to vacation house for the weekend."

This words stunned me, he wanted all of us to go? Can we even fit in his house? What about my work? I can't just leave, my boss will kill me. They should've told me earlier so I could've warned my head that I won't be going to work for two days.

Seth stepped in front of me and lifted me chin up to look at him. "I know what you're thinking, I already called the hospital and told them that you're taking a leave. Come on, I already packed clothes for you." He smiled at me and its hard to resist him when he's like this.

"Fine." I muttered and heard my family and friend let out a sigh of relief. Soon, we were all stuffed in two cars and on the road towards Seth's vacation house. I rode with Seth while my family and Amy rode in the other. They wanted me to ride with Seth. Great!

"Seth, why did you all go to my apartment?" I looked at him and saw sadness flash on his face.

"Ysabel, I don't want you moping around in your apartment and part of me feels guilty because I caused all of that." He held my hand and gave it a small squeeze.

"So this is your way of apologizing and easing your guilt?" I snapped at him, the words came out harsher than I intended it to be.

When he didn't respond, I muttered an apology and he nodded in response. The rest of the journey went by in a blur. An hour later, we arrived in front of a gigantic metal double gates which opened after Seth punched some numbers at some box.

I was amazed at what I saw, everything Seth owned was amazing. A flower bed was situated after the gate. The house was amazing, I have got to stop thinking that. It was a two storey, sky blue house with a balcony at the front and at the back. We entered the threshold and we were greeted with white marble floors and sleek white walls. The stairs was situated on our right, this is harder to describe than I thought. In front of us was another balcony overlooking the first floor, just below the balcony were two double doors.

On our left was led to the living room, one of the double doors led to the kitchen and the other was a bedroom. Seth led my parents to said room and led the rest of us upstairs. Denise took the room to the left of the stairs, Sarah took the one next to Denise's and Amy took the room to the right of the stairs. I opened the door next to Amy's a saw a bathroom. Where am I supposed to stay?



Sorry to cut this short, I am not at all satisfied with this chapter, let me know what you think..


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