Chapter 6: Victory

Start from the beginning

"Oh, did he? He's the friendliest isn't he? Po wasn't actually fond with bonding amongst other children our age. I don't even know that he can make a joke."

"I'm glad you have a nice brother as him. He's full of passion, I can tell."

"Of course he does," Kira rolls her eyes with a smirk, "he likes kung fu and admires all of you a lot."

Monkey stopped for a moment, thinking about what she'd just said. The girl tilts her head to the side in wonder. He shakes his head, a smirk crept up his lips. "Is that so?"

"Yeah. He's like a ray of sunshine back at home. Always being the life of the day."

The boy pushes his thoughts away and continues assisting her down the flight of stairs.

Kira had helped herself out of their way by walking down the last set of stairs without Monkey's aid. The boy wasn't quite sure if he should let her, but the girl insisted and he didn't push further. Instead, he helped the other warriors lead the villagers out the valley.

She sat by the river to think for a few moment, wanting to get rid of the guilt upon expecting her father's reaction on her sudden disappearance and the fresh wound she has right now.

The girl wasn't even supposed to stay for more than a day, yet here she is, making the most out of it by getting involve in a troublesome situation, all because she could return to the academy at the expected time.

She glanced at the bandage on her arm, seeing the blood that damped the cloth. This will surely going to be bothersome. Her colleagues would question it and dealing with that situation wasn't her best prowess.

After minutes and minutes of just sitting there and reminiscing, the girl finally leaves to find her dad among the trail of crowd.

She finds him down to the last of the houses at the foot of the hill, struggling to pull the wagon filled with mostly kitchen utensils and supplies. Kira took a deep breath before coming towards him.

Ping notices her and immediately clings on her body, "Kira! Where were you?! I was so worried! And what is this? Why are you bandaged up? Why are you hurt? Did someone do this to you?! What happened?"

Somehow, it made her feel good to know that her father cares a lot about her well-being, although her current sight wasn't exactly something to be glad about, "I'm fine, dad. I just encountered some....problems. But it's alright now, I'm fine, really."

"You better not be hiding something from me, young lady. If you abuse your body this much, it'd be hard for you to find a suitable husband!"

Kira gasps, "Dad! I'm not planning on marrying! At least.... not yet. We still have plans for our big family restaurant."

"Time passes fast, and that good looks of yours won't last. Though not yet, you will be a wife someday to someone who deserves you. I just don't want to see you hurt yourself and end up not having any children in the future--"

"Dad, stop it right there," 'this is getting so awkward'. She glances around, but her brother is not in sight, "Dad, where's Po?"

"Sorry, I couldn't stop him from going back there," the goose looks down in dismay. The panda had surely been so stubborn when it comes to something he wants to do. When Kira was about to run away, Mr. Ping quickly stops her in her tracks, "Ping Yue Kira, where do you think you're going?"

"Po is in danger."

"I can't lose you both...."

She stares at her dad for a moment then smiles. Going towards him and gives him a hug, "I promise, we won't. You know we're tough. Besides, I'll only try to convince him to come back. And I'll surely come back breathing."

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