They finally got to the entrance of the fair, paying for their wristbands and scanning the area for what ride they should go on first.

"Hmm, how about that one?" Fangs pointed to the giant metal that went high in the air, and circled the people in their seats around and upside down.

Seeing the attraction made Cheryl's stomach churn, her hand tightened around Toni's. Amusement parks weren't really her thing, but she'd never admit it out loud that she was afraid of them.

"Hell yeah!" Toni high-fived Fangs, pulling Cheryl in the direction of the ride. Of course she wasn't afraid of something like that, she was in a gang of course.

Fangs sprinted in front of the girls, wanting to not waste anymore time.

The line wasn't too long, by the time they were at the front Cheryl was debating back and forth with herself if she should just bail.

"Come on, Blossom," Toni led Cheryl to a seat, Kevin on the other side of her. Guess there was no getting out of this, the carnival worker had already strapped them in.

"Fuck," the redhead whispered as the ride slowly ascended into the air. Toni noticed how nervous the older girl was, her eyes were clenched shut and she had the seat that strapped over her in a death grip.

Toni pried her fingers off the seat, replacing it with her own. This probably wasn't the best idea because Cheryl squeezed the Serpent's hand just as hard, it didn't bother Toni too much; she'd do anything for Cheryl.

When the ride returned them safely back to the ground Fangs stumbled out of his seat, almost tripping over his own feet. This caused the other three to roar in laughter, Cheryl and Toni leaning on each other as they exited the gate that separated the ride from the rest of the fair. Kevin having nothing to support him since his boyfriend was such a klutz, slowly walked with his arms out balancing him to the group.

"See? Wasn't so bad, scaredy cat," Toni poked Cheryl's side.

They were now headed in the direction of some games, deciding that they needed a break before getting on anything life-threatening again.

"It was..." Cheryl paused truly thinking about her answer, "terrible." She smiled down at the younger girl.

"It wasn't scary at all, you're just a wimp," Kevin chimed in.

Cheryl huffed, crossing her arms, "Fine. I see how it is."

Fangs had ran off to some basketball game, which he had a pretty good chance at winning considering how athletic he truly was. The other three teenagers sprinting to catch up with him.

"You think he can do it?" Cheryl asked Toni after finally meeting up with the boy.

"Nope." Toni took her phone out to record the Serpent, "You've got this, Fangs!" She shouted words of encouragement to him.

The ball bounced off the rim, flying in the direction of the guy working the stand. If he had moved even a split second later, the ball would've hit him and he'd be on the ground. "I'm so sorry!" Fangs ran towards the man.

He didn't seem too upset, it was an accident after all. "It's fine, just be more careful next time."

"Maybe we should try somethin' else," Kevin pushed the three in the direction of the other games. He was embarrassed beyond belief, he just needed to get out the sight of the employee.

"I bet you won't win," Cheryl told Toni as they came to a stop in front of one of those games where you had to knock the milk bottles over with a ball.

Toni gave the man a couple dollars, in return giving her five balls. "Bet me what, Blossom?" She tossed one of the balls up and down.

Cheryl leaned against the stand, "Depends. What do you want, Topaz?"

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