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The four teenagers raced towards the drive-in, Kevin feeling rather aggravated due to already getting lost twice.

"There's a speed limit for a reason!" Fangs looked terrified as he held onto the handle located on the roof of the car.

Toni and Cheryl clenched onto each other's hands for dear life, no matter how dramatic it may have seemed.

"Cher, are we gonna die?" The small Serpent whispered as Kevin swerved around corners left and right.

"Maybe. It's Kevin, so there's no telling," right when the words left the redhead's mouth Kevin turned onto a more bumpy road than the others, indicating they had just gotten to the drive-in. Cheryl let out a whispered 'thank god' before they got to the little stand at the entrance.

"What movie will it be for you guys tonight?" The boy in the box asked, a wide smile plastered on his face showing he absolutely loved working there.

They hadn't really figured that part out yet, so Kevin turned looking at the three, "Guys, what movie?"

The girls in the backseat really didn't care, as long as they were with each other that was perfect for them. "How about Ocean's 8?" Fangs turned to the girls for approval.

"Yeah, sure," Toni was barely even paying attention to her surroundings, getting lost in all that was Cheryl Blossom.

"Sounds good to me," Kevin started, turning back to the boy in the stand, "Ocean's 8 please."

Toni snapped away from obsessing over Cheryl, "Kevin, how are we supposed to listen to the movie when the radio doesn't even work?!" Her voice grew higher with each word she said.

The boy driving chuckled nervously, "About that," he drove around the the gravel lot searching for an open spot,"it actually does work."

"What the fuck do you mean it works?" Cheryl asked calmly, this was bad.

He parked in a spot not too close to other cars, and a comfortable distance from the large screen.

"I uh," he put the car in park, tapping on the steering wheel anxiously. "It works, I just wanted to-"

"Kevin, I really don't care at this point," Cheryl said, surprising everyone in the car. Of course they thought she was going to blow up, she was Cheryl Blossom.

The small Serpent looked at her, shock flooding her eyes, "You really don't care?" The girl asked slowly, scared that the redhead could still explode any second.

"Nope. Are we gonna get this thing set up or what?" The redhead patted on the torn leather-covered door.

The other three unbuckled their seatbelts, "Uh yeah, let's go," Fangs got out of the Vista Cruiser rounding his way to the trunk.

Everyone was now out of the car moving all of the bags they had in the trunk to the backseats. Kevin and Fangs had packed some extra blankets and pillows, being scared to use any of the hotels'. They spread them out in the back, putting the two pillows against the backseat so they could lean on them. It wasn't much, but it was way better than nothing.

"Come on, Toni," Kevin said as he hopped out the trunk from where he had been adjusting the pillows. "Let's go get some popcorn or something," he brushed his knees off as if he had done something worthy of the action.

"Uh sure thing," she was confused why he chose her. He could've easily asked Fangs or Cheryl to go. "Be back," she whispered to Cheryl, running to catch up with the redhead's best friend; gravel crunching under her Converse.

The boy had his hands stuffed in his pockets, "So what's going on between you and Cheryl? Be honest."

Toni didn't even know what was going on herself, how was she supposed to answer him? "Nothin' I guess."

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