Part I: Immortal Infatuation

Start from the beginning


My cries only greet the ears of the deaf. I heard the creature screech behind me. Looking behind me, I saw it was only a couple feet away. Its sharp teeth were blood-stained. Soon, they would be stained with my blood. My body shivered from fear as I cowered near the gate. I was overpowered. This is my end. Closing my eyes, I prepared for my untimely death. A sturdy grip was placed on my shoulder but it soon retracted, followed by a blood-curdling screech. I could hear sloshing noises, as well as grunts. Something dripped repeatedly onto the road and smelled awful. I opened one eye curiously. Blood soaked the cement and a mysterious man held the creature by its neck. The creature was unresponsive and made no noise. Aggressively throwing the creature to the ground, the rather handsome man wiped the creature's blood from his lips. Opening both of my eyes, I gazed at him in wonder. This stranger was abnormally handsome. His clothes appeared to be well-refined, as well as his appearance. He must be a wealthy man. Why is he in these parts of town? He extended a helping hand toward me. Questions raced through my mind. Should I trust him? Does he want to mug me? Who is he? Why would a stranger save me? Why is he even here?

The man interrupted my thoughts, "My lady, are you injured in any way? Do you require medical assistance?"

"W-Who are you?"

"Excuse my informalities, I am Doctor Jonathan Reid. I heard you crying for help. I couldn't let you get butchered mindlessly by that creature."

"Oh... Thank you, Dr. Reid. I am not sure if I need medical assistance," I replied, taking his hand.

"Are you experiencing any form of pain?"

"Well, I think the creature may have scratched me."

"Let me take a look, please."

Nodding, I pulled up my sleeve to reveal five gashes. Fresh blood was collecting in each gash. He examined my arm inquisitively. His expression was unreadable. His blue eyes were filled with hunger and self-discipline. He seemed to be holding something back. Biting his lip slightly, he pulled out a small, medical kit from his bag. He applied a light blue serum on my wounds, causing me to wince in pain.

"W-What did you do?"

"It's rubbing alcohol combined with neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B sulfate, and bacitracin zinc. I used this on my wounded allies in the War."

"I see... you fought in The Great War?"

"Yes, that's where I acquired most of my medical skills," he replied, bandaging my wound in gauze.

"Thank you, Dr. Reid. Thank you for saving me and tending to my wounds."

"You're welcome. Please let me know if you need assistance at any time. May I ask why you are roaming the streets at a late hour?"

"I was working overtime today. I was heading home until I was attacked by that creature."

"I see," he said, thinking a bit, "I can accompany you to your house if it is fine with you, my lady?"

"I would appreciate it," I smiled warmly.

Pulling down my sleeve, I walked in the direction of my house. He followed beside me quietly. I glanced over at him and admired his features; his luscious lips, his mystifying eyes, his mysterious attitude, his abnormally pale skin, his tailored outfit, his well-groomed beard, and his fashionable haircut. It is almost strange how such a dashing, young man saved me at this dangerous hour of the night. He was practically my savior.

"If you do not mind me asking," he interrupted the silence, "Where do you work?"

"I am a florist in Whitechapel. I work with Camellia if you know her. She is mute but I communicate with her through body language."

Immortal Infatuation (Jonathan Reid/Reader/Geoffrey McCullum)Where stories live. Discover now