Underwater Kisses

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So I woke up the next morning In the back of a car. I got up. " Where am I. Who the fucks car is this." I said. Then I saw Sam Kian Jj and Taylor. " Oh." I said. " Hey Baby Cakes. We are going somewhere to meet someone." Sam said while kissing me on the cheek. " Ok." I said. I looked around the car to find my phone. I couldn't find it. " What are you looking for." Kian said. " My phone." I said. " It's in your hand." Kian said. " Oh." I said. I got on it. I didn't have anything. No comments or anything. Weird. So we got to this place. This place was huge. We got out the car. Some guy walks out. " Hi I'm Bear." Bear said. " Hi I'm Emma." I said.

Emma's POV

So I woke up in back of Taylor's car. We got to this dudes place. He walked out side. His name was Bear. He smiled at me. He was cute. He had dimples. His dimples are fucking cute.

So we went inside. We all sat on the couch. I took a selfie. I forgot to mute it. " What was that." Jj said. " Uhh me." I said. I muted my phone. I found Bear's twitter account. I followed it. Then his snapchat. I added it. I took a snapchat. I sent it to him. It said heya cutie. He got it. He sent nothing much Cutie. Text me. Then he gave me his phone number. We where all talking. " HOLD THE FUCK UP." I said. " What Emma." Jj said. " What" Sam said. " What fucker." Kian said. " What Baby Cakes." Bear said. " Hey" I said. Taylor just looked at me. " I wanna go home I wanna see Jc." Sam said. " Ok." I said. " Can Bear come." Jj asked. " Yeah sure. Bear do you wanna come?" I asked. " Hell yes." Bear said. So we got in Taylor's car. Jj and Bear rode in his car. So we drove home. We got there. I took a pic with Bear to post on twitter. I got a comment saying #Bemma it was everywhere. " Omfg stop saying that." I said. Everyone looked at me. " What I took a pic with Bear and then everyone ones like hashtag BEMMA." I said. Bear smiled.

Bear P.O.V

So she posted a cute pic of us. Then everyone posted Hashtag Bemma. I was happy. She was really cute and sexy.

I don't think that Bear knows that Sam is my boyfriend. So I wanted to swim. I ran upstairs and got my bathing suit on. I walked downstairs. Everyone looked at me. I walked outside. I got in the pool. Everyone else got a bathing suit on. Bear just swam in his boxers. I was sitting on the diving board. Bear pulled me off. " BEAR." I said. " What." Bear said smiling. He pulled me underwater. He kissed me. I swam up and got out the pool. I grabbed a towel. I ran in my room. I looked threw my desk. I found it. I ran in my bath room. I looked all over my arms to see if there was a spot. I found one. I cut. I cut 8 cuts. I cut the word worthless on my leg. Jj ran in. So did Sam. I was in the bathroom in the shower. " Emma where are you." Sam said. " Emily I care about you where are you." Jj said. She ran in the bathroom. She looked in the shower. She found me crying. Sam ran to me. He picked me up. There was blood everywhere. Sam had blood on him. " Emma why." Sam said. " Because Bear." I said. " What happen." Sam said. " He kissed............ Me." I said. " It's just a kiss." Sam said. " No it's not. It was more than a kiss." I said. " What do you mean Em." Sam said. " It meant something. Don't be mad but I like him." I said. Sam put me down. He walked downstairs. I started to cry hard. I got dressed in jeans and a shirt. I grabbed a jacket. I grabbed my backpack. I got shoes on. Bear and Sam were fighting. I walked out the front door. I slammed it. Everyone looked at the door. No one chased after me. I walked to the mall. Shawn was there. He saw me. I ran to him. I jumped on him. Jc and Nash was there too. I hugged him as tight as I can. I sat down. I told them what happen. I started to cry. " It's ok Baby." Nash said. I took off my jacket. Shawn notice that I had more cuts. Shawn had a tear. " Shawn please." I said. He started to cry. I walked over to him. I whipped a tear off. " Shawn I'm ok." I said. I smiled. He smiled. He got up. I walked around the store. The guys came with me. Jc came up behind me and hugged me. We walked into a store. Someone came up behind me. He hugged me. " Guess who." The guy said. His hands were soft. I pulled away and turned around. It was Bear. I walked away. I got to Shawn Nash and Jc. I had 500 hundred dollars in my wallet. I walked out the store. " How much money do you have in your wallet." Jc asked. " About 500 hundred dollars." I said. The looked surprised. " Where from?" Nash asked. " Work and saved up money." I said. "But I quite my work." I said. We walked into another store. It was for guys. I wanted to buy the guys a shirt or something. Sam was there. He look at me. He walked over to me. " Hi." I said looking down. "Hey baby cakes what are you doing here." Sam said. " Looking around." I said. " Oh." Sam said. He walked with us. He tried to hold my hand. I let him. I walked into Justice. I bought some earrings. I had the top of my ears pierced. I pulled out my wallet. I pulled out 20 dollars. " Fuck Justice is a lot." I said. I walked out. I walked in a guy store. I bought some shirts. I bought 4 shirts. " I wanna walk alone please guys." I said. " Ok baby." Sam said. The others guys walked away. They walked to a table. I walked into a jewelry store. I was looking for a promise ring. I told a lie. I had about 900 hundred dollars in my backpack. I looked around. I found the perfect one. I was buying it for Jj. I wanted me and Jj to be forever. Nothing close tho. So I bought it.

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