Later that Night

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So we played Mario Cart again. Kian beat me so I got mad and pushed Kian. " ITS JUST A GAME EMMA CALM DOWN!" Jc said. " SORRY IVE NEVER LOST " I said. " Oh" they all said." Yea i wanna play with Sammy." I said. " Okay" Sam said. " GO EMMA GO BEAT HIS ASS!" Kian screamed. I won! Sam pushed me off the couch. My phone went off with texts.

Sammy🙈 : Can I talk to you in my room please?

Me : Yea sure why?

Sammy🙈 : I wanna tell you something.

Me : Okay.

So I went upstairs with Sammy we sat in his room. He leaned In and kissed me. I kissed him back of course. " I know you like Hayes. It breaks Me and Taylor and Matt to see you with Hayes." Sam said with a tear. " Sammy I'm not with Hayes tho" I said with a couple tears. " I though that I was just your friend and nothing closer maybe like a Sister or something." I said crying. "Em you mean more that anything to me and I can't live without you. Will You Be My GirlFriend? please say yes." Sammy said. " Yes Sammy Yes I love you so much." I said screaming. He picks me up and hugs me and kisses me and says " I love you too Em." so we walked down stairs and everyone looked at me. Sam and I were holding hands. Jc looked sad like he had a crush on me. But he has a girlfriend. I say down on the floor because the couch had all the boys on is and some of Macgon are house was packed with boys. I was the only girl. " Sammy , Jc , Kian , Trevie can I just lay on y'all I'm tired of sitting on the floor?" I asked. " Yea sure " they said. So I got up and layed my head on Sammy's lap and the rest of my body on the boys. " Your legs are smooth" Trevor said. " Hahah thanks Trevie" I said giggling and laughing. " I like your belly button piercing." Jc said looking at my stomach. " DINNERRR!" I yelled so everyone can hear. " Can we have pancakes?" Hayes said. " YEP WERE GOING TO IHOP!" they all screamed yay. So I ran up stairs and grabbed a shirt and put jeans on. I grabbed a snap back. " Let's go. No one tweeted that we are going Right?" I said looking at all of them. " Yes we didn't tweet." Nash said. So we packed Ricky's car. Then we packed Taylor's car. I rode my penny board with Jc , Sam , Connor , and Hayes. " OK LETS GO!" I screamed. So I was riding there. We got there like 5 mins after they got there. There was a lot of fan girls at IHOP just standing at the door. " MOVE BITCHES LET ME GET IN!" Jc and I screamed. They let us in. I saw all of them sitting down. We sat at another table because that one was packed we sat in front of them. I got sam to sit with me and Carter , Kian , Taylor , Shawn and Trevor. " I'm Emily I will be taking your order. Let's start with drinks." Emily said with a smile. " I want milk" I said smiling and looking at her. " Me too" Taylor and Shawn said. " Can I have a coke" Trevor said. " Water please " Kian asked. " Can I have milk please" carter said. " Ok that will be out in a min" Emily said " Wait are you Emma Parker the orphan on YouTude?" Emily said. " Yes I am do you wanna hang out sometime?" I said. " Yes sure!" Emily said walking away. I looked over the sit where some of the boys were sitting. " Watcha doing on twitter?" I asked Hayes." Nothing just looking. I got a notification saying. I'm at IHOP with Our2ndLife and Macgon and Emma Parker! " HAYES YOU LITTLE FUCKER I HATE YOU" I said. " WHAT I WANTED TO TWEET SOMETHING" Hayes said. " I'm leaving tell Emily that I went home and give her this please Sam." I said handing Sam a piece of paper that had my phone number on it. So I rode home on my penny board. I got home and changed into a black sports bra and shorts. I watched a movie. I heard talking then everyone came in. There was a box with some pancakes In it. " Thanks Sammy" I said to Sam. " Your welcome babe" Sam said with a kiss. Hayes look depressed.

Hayes POV

We brought Emma some pancakes. When we got there she was watching a movie. Sam gave her the pancakes. He kissed her. I am depressed and heartbroken.

" Who wants to watch a movie?" I said. " I wanna go to the beach" Carter said. " YEAH LETS GO TO THE BEACH!" Matt said. " Ok let's go." I said running up the stairs.

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