frank castle - collateral damage

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The blood was everywhere.

It coated your hands, your bare feet. It crusted in your hair, beneath your fingernails. You swore... You swore you could taste it. The thought made you gag – and promptly throw up into the porcelain toilet again, again, and again, until there was nothing left for your stomach to purge.

"Not good with blood, are you?"

You grimaced at the low, rumbling voice, and turned your head slightly towards it.

"Only when it feels like I've bathed in it."

The voice – Pete, he'd said his name was Pete when he first saved you – huffed out a chuckle.

"You get used to it after awhile," was all he said.

"So, this..." You motioned to the bar on the other side of the bathroom door that was covered in blood and brains and bullets. "This is normal for you? I mean you don't look very shaken."

Pete crossed his arms. He laughed to himself like you'd said something funny. "Those men and women out there, the assholes that try to hurt people like you... Taking care of them is my job."

You lifted an accusing brow. "So you're a cop?"

Another laugh. "No – definitely not."

"Then you're a vigilante." It wasn't a question.

Pete grimaced, like the word put a bad taste in his mouth. "What's your name?"

You didn't want to change the subject, but... Well, you weren't exactly in the position to be asking questions like the ones you were so desperate to ask. So you said, "Y/N."

"Do you have any family, Y/N? Anyone you could stay with for a few days?"

You shook your head. Everyone you had ever loved had been taken from you – all because you couldn't keep your god-damned mouth shut. "No," you choked out. "They came for my dad first. He worked for them, I think. I recognized a few of the attackers from company pictures, parties, stuff like that."

Pete listened to you without any reactions. He just stared at you, taking in the information, analyzing it. The empty look in his eyes was chilling. "What'd he do?"

"He saw something he wasn't supposed to see. So they killed him, and my mom too for good measure. Right in the middle of the kitchen." You couldn't help the tears from falling. "We were just about to have dinner. I hadn't seen them since I moved to New York..."

Pete nodded. "How did you get away?"

You swallowed the lump in your throat. You still couldn't believe they were gone... It had already been two days since your family was taken from you. Two days. Forty-eight hours. 2880 minutes without them. "Dad had a gun locked away in his desk. I was able to get to it in time, and..."

"And?" Pete prompted.

"And I killed them." If Pete was at all surprised, he didn't let it show. "Every last one of them. I didn't stop shooting until I was out of bullets, and then I grabbed my dad's keys and drove away as fast as I could."

"What made you stop here?"

"I'd been driving for thirty-six hours. I needed to rest."

"What made you come to the bar?"

You smiled sadly. "I guess I needed a drink too."

Pete chuckled lowly. He took a step forward and knelt before you. You tried not to flinch when he outstretched his hand. "I think we should go, Y/N. Before those bastards come back."

You reached out for his hand – then paused. "Why are you helping me? You said you 'take care' of assholes that hurt people, but that doesn't include cleaning up the collateral damage, Pete."

Pete's lips twitched upwards in a smile. "You're not collateral damage, Y/N. We're the same, you and me. We've both lost everything. And, believe it or not, I actually kind of like you."

You slowly smiled back at him. You grasped his hand and let him haul you up.

He turned to leave, then halted. "If we're gonna be working together, you should know that my name isn't Pete." A line appeared between your brows. Your breath hitched, and then it clicked.

You'd thought he looked familiar when you first saw him ripping your attackers off you.

You had seen his face on the news countless times.

"I'm Frank Castle."

The Punisher.

So I write this in like five minutes, and I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense. BUT I watched the first episode of season 2 of The Punisher and I just got super pumped. And we ended up with this.

Anyways, we're almost at 5K reads on this story! Which is the most reads I've ever received on here, so thank you guys. I'll post the next part of  steve - haunted soon!

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