peter parker - enemies (part 2)

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"They're evacuating the airport."

"It's Stark."

The reality of your situation hit you like a blow to the chest.

Steve was recruiting other enhanced to fight Tony Stark and his team. You had worked with those people. Trusted them. And now you were supposed to battle them.

As if sensing your discomfort, Steve turned to you. "You sure you're ready for this?"

You nodded. "I'm sure. I wouldn't have come with you if I wasn't."

"Listen to me," Steve led you aside, placing a hand on your shoulder. "If thing's become too much for you, if you get hurt, you press this,"Steve paused, handing you what looked like a bracelet with a button fashioned as a pendant, "and one of us will find you." He gestured to the rest of the team. Bucky gave you a solid attempt at what you could only assume was a smile, and Scott, who you had only met moments before, waved with a barely concealed wince.

The scene was so comical, you probably would have laughed. That is, if Steve hadn't just assumed you couldn't handle this mission. So what if you were younger than everyone else here? You and Peter were the same age, yet you doubted Tony Stark was treating him like this. Like a liability.

"Trust me, Cap. I've been through worse than this."

There was sadness in Steve's eyes, but also understanding. As if he knew, all too well, the shit you'd dealt with over the years. And he respected you for it.

Steve then turned to the rest of the team, and said, "If you have a suit, suit up."

. . .

It was chaos. Utter and complete chaos. Though, from what you could tell, your team was winning.

You stood on one of the surrounding buildings, watching the fight unfold from above. This was what Steve had commanded you to do, and though you wanted to bite at him that you could easily take down Tony - metal suit or not - Steve was right. He had been trained for situations like these, and knew his battle strategy well. So, you observed. And you waited for the perfect opening. The perfect -


Peter had strayed from the rest of his team, opting to torment Sam and Bucky as they raced through the airport. This was your chance. You ran, using your inhuman strength to launch yourself onto the roof of the adjacent building.

You supposed, as you shattered the glass roofing with a swift punch, and then landed on one knee between Peter and your teammates, that perhaps you could have been stealthy. But dramatic entrances had always been your forte.

"Fancy seeing you here," you remarked, slowly rising to your feet.

"Y/N..." Peter, though you could only hear his voice, seemed genuinely shocked to see you.

Sam huffed, clearly out of breath. "You know this guy?"

"I used to." You nodded you head to Sam and Bucky, but never took your eyes off Peter. "Go. I can hold him off."

You heard what sounded like a muffled laugh from beneath Peters mask.


"What? Don't think I can beat you, Spider-Boy?"

"I suppose we'll have to see."

. . .

The fight was becoming brutal. Both teams began to care less and less if they hurt each other. But now, after what felt like hours of dancing around each other, you were all finally facing one another. This wasn't just a battle, you realized with a start. This was a war. And one of you would have to lose. The thing was, neither Cap nor Tony appeared in any way inclined to cease the fighting. To surrender.

"What do we do, Cap?" You heard Sam ask, though everyone already knew the answer.

"We fight."

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