loki - trouble

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"Be nice!"

"I am!"

"You threatened him with a knife."

"Well, yeah, but I didn't stab him."

When Steve had told you that you would be supervising Loki on your next mission, you knew that could only mean trouble.

The mission had been going well. At the very least, as well as it could have. You'd been on your way out of the HYDRA facility after downloading an array of files onto a flash drive for SHIELD, when everything went wrong.

Before you could even hatch out a plan of escape, you were both surrounded. At least ten guards were pointing loaded guns right at you. Loki wanted to kill all of them, but you were the one of the only agents at SHIELD that tried to get your missions accomplished without killing people. You just had to convince him. Which, evidently, was proving to be very difficult.

"Can't you just hit him with your knife?" You hiss, pressing your back against Loki's.

"I believe the technical term is stab."


You make an exasperated sound, rubbing at your temples to ease your throbbing headache. "What is with you and stabbing people?" Loki's feral grin grows (if even possible), and you swear if you weren't surrounded by people who wanted you dead, you would have kicked him in the throat. God or not. "If you haven't noticed, we're supposed to be partners. That means I'm responsible for anyone you decide to kill."


Loki turns to meet your gaze, eyes sparkling.

He's enjoying this.

"They're our enemies. Therefor, I think it's perfectly justified that we kill them togeth-"

"Having the same enemy doesn't make us friends."

For a moment, Loki looks away. Almost as if your words actually made him feel something. But his face smoothes over within seconds, and you think you must have imagined it. "Besides, do I look like a killer to you?"


"Yes, a killer of my patience."

You want to scream. But instead you hear Loki shout, "Now!"

You were waiting for it, an opening. The fact that Loki spotted it before you makes you see red as you kick the leg out from under one of the HYDRA agents, already moving to slam your fist into the nose of another.

You barely feel your body moving; everything is muscle memory and survival instincts from your years of training with SHIELD. And Loki, though you hate to admit it, happens to be a rather skilled fighter himself.

"That's five in less than a minute," Loki grins at you triumphantly once you've both taken down all of the HYDRA agents.

You try and fail to keep yourself from smiling back at him as you sprint towards the entrance in the lobby, where a van waits a few blocks away to bring you to safety. "I win. I took down six."

You see Loki roll his eyes, and your chest fills with satisfaction. It feels good, to annoy him, to get under his skin.

"Does that mean I just beat a god?"

Loki opens his mouth to say something - probably a sarcastic retort about how meager your mortal fighting skills are compared to his - when you hear the unmistakable click of a gun being loaded. You turn, just in time to see who you thought was simply a lowly secretary point her gun directly at Loki.

Before you can even consider the fact that a bullet has no quarrel with a god, the fact that Loki could probably just deflect it with his magic, you throw him out of the way. Which puts you directly in the line of fire.

The first bullet hits you in your lower left abdomen, and the pain is... shocking. You'd been sheared by bullets before, but never directly shot. And it burns. The pain explodes down your side, and you sway, hand drifting to the wound.

Everything slows. You see Loki stumble and catch himself, whipping around, and you're just standing there, suspended in time. Loki's eyes fall to the wound in your abdomen, his breath visibly catching.

"No," you think you hear him breathe.

The second bullet goes straight through your shoulder, the blunt force of it knocking you back.

The world tilts.

Someone - Loki - sweeps you up into their arms. Your head bounces against his chest; he's running. Through your haze of pain, you see the dead body of the secretary get farther and farther away, blood gushing from her throat.

Wet rasps leave your lips. There's a horrible tangy taste in your mouth, a taste that continues to bubble up your throat. And you're cold. So cold, you've begun to shake. You're dying. You've seen enough people bleed out before your very eyes to know the process.



The bouncing stops, and you feel your body being gently laid down onto a hard surface.

"Drive!" Loki hisses at the agent who escorted you here. The van begins to move, and Loki crouches before you. His hand drifts to your face, almost as if he wishes to hold it, but then he takes it back. He shakes his head, as though scolding himself.

"I- I don't..." You try to speak through the blood in your throat, but all that comes out are wet gasps.

Loki leans over you, but doesn't touch you. As though it would pain him to. Burn him, perhaps.

"Don't try to talk. Just keep breathing." He says, voice devoid of emotion.

"I guess..." It takes you a few tries to get the words out. "I guess you were right. Us mortals really are good for nothing."

Loki almost smiles. Almost. But then you cough, blood spurting, and his expression becomes passive once more. He turns to the driver.

"How much longer?"

"We're here sir."

Loki breathes a sigh of relief. "Perhaps," he says, opening the car doors and hoisting you out. "But you've always been good at proving me wrong."

(Part 2 coming soon)

Hey! If you guys like this story, please leave a vote! It shows that people are actually reading and enjoying the content I'm putting out, which motivates me to write more.

Also if you have any requests, just comment! You'll be the first!! (I love being irrelevant :)) covering up my pain with false smiley faces:)) lol)

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