"It's fine." I laugh,"Now, what's up?"

"Uh, I was wondering if you'd give me a ride home? My mom hasn't called me back and I really need to get home and check to see if she's okay."

"Yeah, sure. Come on.", Calum smiles at me and I just smile back.

"Thank you!"


After dropping Calum off at his house my phone starts ringing.

My Bluetooth is turned on in my car and I say, "Accept call."

The ringing tone stops and a voice rings through my car.

"Heeeeeey, Beatriiiiiice."

"Hello, Ashton." I chuckle softly and make a turn into the Starbucks on the right side of the road.

"Yeah, hey, uh I was wondering if you'd come to the Starbucks in town? It's easier just to talk there"

"What? Haha, I'm already there goofball."

"Oh!" Ashton laughs loudly and I park. "I see you!"

I look up and see him standing in the window, waving wildly and jumping up and down.

"Come inside."

"I am!", I hang up on him, park, and turn off my car.

My purse is in the backseat so, I grab it and my phone, getting out and walking inside.

"Over here!" I hear Ashton yell loudly and I turn my head towards his voice.

He's sitting at a table with a coffee out in front of him.

There isn't a lot of people here today and I'm glad because people are annoying.

"How are you?" I ask Ashton as i sit down after ordering my iced vanilla mochiato.

"Super awesome! How about you, Trissypoo? What's up?"

"As good as it can get at the moment. Michael got into a fight with Brandon, again. I had to split them up, again. And I drove Calum home, again. What's up with you, Ashypoo?",

"Hhhhm, I met the new exchange student guy today. Uh, I-"

"Wait, what?" I cut him off at the sound of the title.

"Yeah, the new exchange student. His name's Luke somethin' or other, he reads books and doesn't really like me I don't think." Ashton smiles his big goofy smile and takes a drink of his coffee.

"Aaaaand, he asked me about you."

"Wait, he what? He-"

I'm immediately cut off by the sound of my name being called. "Beatrice. Beatrice!"

Oh, my drink.

I walk up and nod, "that's me."

"Her you go, thank you for coming to Starbucks.", the employee hands me my drink and smiles.

"Thank you." I start to walk back to my seat and Ashton when I hear the front door bell ring, indicating that someone has arrived.

Messy blonde hair, a pierced lip, black skinny jeans, a Misfits tshirt and black converse walk in.

"Beatrice? Earth to Beatrice!"

I look down and see Ashton waving his hand in front of my face.

"Oh! Sorry. Got sidetracked."

"That's him, you know." Ashton gestures towards Luke and I nod, sitting down.

"I know." I glance over at him, he's ordering.

"Are you gonna invite him over?" I ask.

"Yeah!", Ashton starts waving frantically at Luke and calling his name ,"LUKE! LUKE, COME SIT OVER HERE!"

I quickly turn away and take a sip of my drink. Trying to act normal.

"Here he comes." Ashton whispers.

"Hey, Luke, nice to see you here. This is Beatrice."

I look up at Luke and smile widely.

"Hello.", Luke says softly, but with a deep voice, his accent leaking through.

"Hello." I reply back and stick my hand out. "Nice to meet you, Luke."

"Yeah, nice to meet you too." Luke takes my hand in his, nervously, and shakes it slightly.

"Sit down, sit down. All are welcome." Ashton says loudly and I roll my eyes.

"But, only if you like good music and have nice clothes. And wear pink on Wednesdays." Ashton laughs loudly at his own joke and I just giggle.

"You're a dork." I shake my head.

I look over at Luke. He sits there awkwardly and takes tiny sips of his drink.

"So, Luke, what brings you to Starbucks?" I ask nervously and mentally slap myself.

Why would I ask that?! That's stupid.

"Uh, coffee." He answers shortly.

"Yeah, of course. Sorry, stupid question." I smile shyly and look down at my drink.

"Oh shit! I have to go." Ashton blurts out suddenly and stands.

"This has been lovely, Beatrice, Luke. But, sadly I must leave you both. See yah!" Ashton waves goodbye as he walks out.

Damnit all, Ashton. Of course you leave me here with this beautiful boy and my awkwardly tall self.

We sit in silence for about 30 seconds till Luke softly speaks up.

"I saw you reading during lunch."

I look at him with wide eyes. He saw me? He noticed me?

"Uh, yeah. Steven King. I saw you reading too, you know." I smile and recall the memory. He was reading Steven King too.

"The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. That's what you were reading. It's and amazing book." Luke looks at me quickly before looking back down at the table.

"So is The Shining. Also one of my favorite movies.", I smile slightly before taking another drink. "Of course, the book is better then the movie. By a long shot."

"It is." He looks up again and we make eye contact. His blue eyes pouring into my plain brown eyes.

"I'd love to get to know you better.", I say and smile.

"No. You don't want to." Luke says harshly and gets up.

"Why? What's wrong, Luke?" I ask in a panicked voice.

"Leave me alone!", He yells at me as he walks out the door.

What the hell was that about?



Um, sorry for not updating. But, barely anyone reads this anyway. So, no complaining for Iris right?

Haha, I have some drama and problems happening in my life so my update might not be coming for awhile.

But, I tried to make this one long.

What do you think is wrong with Lukeypookey?

Haha, Lukeypookey. That's cute. Ashton might have to start calling Luke that.

Uh, so, Vote/Comment/Share. Anything's good for me.

Love yah boo-

Lolnaw (Iris)

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