Boom of Your Heart

Start from the beginning


Christmas itself was a little weird with all the kids being older; Tina situated herself under the tree, her mind still reeling at Jimmy Juniors confession as she handed out gifts to her family.

"Thanks for volunteering to be Santa this year, Tina." Bob rested on the couch, rubbing his left wrist.

"Yeah, yeah. No problem." She was quiet for a moment, "Have you guys ever dated someone who turned out to be gay? Like, right after they dated you they realized it?"

Linda stiffened, putting a hand on Bob's arm. "No, Tina honey. Why?" Her speech was slow and careful.

Tina was old enough now to recognize the tone, what Linda was doing. "Oh no reason." The truth beat at her chest, just begging to come out. "Someone at college I know went through that right before I came here-"

"Was it Nick?" Linda puffed, standing and pacing between wrapping paper and opened boxes. "If it's him I swear I'm gunna-"

"No, Mom!" Tina sighed.

"If someone did that to you, we can get 'im back." Louise offered flippantly. "For a price, of course."

"Oooh, I'll help." Gene added, playing a thunder sound from his new keyboard.

"No!" Bob interrupted, "Louise. We've talked about this. You can't-"

"Bob..." Linda cut him off, sitting beside him again, "Are you okay? Your arm isn't hurting is it?"

"Just my wrist." He smiled, "It's nothing, see?" He shook his hand vigorously, quickly bringing to appendage back to his chest with a cry. "Dammit, ow."

"Bob, we should get you some pain pills-"

Tina frowned, worry growing in her. "What's wrong? Why-"

"Just my carpal tunnel acting up." He smiled through gritted teeth, "How about those pain pills, Linda?"

"Right. And a little wine to wash them down!" She gave a sharp bark of laughter as Bob declined.

It wasn't until Louise burst into her room later that afternoon that Tina had bothered to do anything interesting.

"Ready?" Louise blared, geared in her pink winter coat, combat boots, and green skinny jeans.

"Sure." Tina slid off her bed, laptop closed and set aside as she meandered over to her bag of clothes. "Let me just get dressed."

"Fine, fine." Louise acquiesced, scooting onto the bed and opening the personal computer. "Ooh, Tina. A gay romance novel? Scandalous." Tina dressed quickly, trying to ignore the embarrassment she felt with every tap of the keyboard. "So wait, one is a vampire and the other is a zombie? How does that work?"

"It doesn't have to, okay?" Tina all but shouted. "You don't need to make fun of me."

Louise looked up in shock. "Oh no. I'm genuinely curious. This is way better than your old stuff."

"You are curious about my romance novels?"

"Don't sound so surprised Tina, jeez." Louise hopped off the bed. "I did have that weird... thing for Boo Boo and his stupid cute face."

"And Rudy!" Gene yelled down the hall.


Tina smiled, "You and Rudy, huh? Still going strong. Good for you."

Louise blushed, "Yeah well it's nothing. He's a dumb, gullible idiot."

"Just your type." Tina muttered as they made their way down the stairs.

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