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A/N I wanna thank everyone who have been supporting this book by reading, voting , adding the book to your reading list, and for following.  I wanna let ya know I see all ya comments and stuff I know I havent replied it because I be busy writting chapters for the book and busy with school,  but yea thanks for all the love and support :) oh and sorry for the late update







Erica p.o.v

Saturday had finally came and I feel like shit. Its 12 and here I am,laying down feeling nauseous. Lamar texted me earlier talking about make sure to be ready at 3. Honestly I dont wanna go out on a date. I basically just came out from a bad relationship with someone who I am pregnant for, and im not ready to date. If people see me on a date they going to be calling me names like a hoe and more.

By the time I finally decided to get up it was already 1:45 I took a shower, brush my teeth and did my hygiene and got dress. I put on something comfortable.  I wore a yellow causal dress, with my jean jacket and some cute simple flats. I put my hair into a messy bun,added some bangles and called it a day. After I was done I went downstairs.

"where you going." darius asked,  he looked like he was going out


"okay and with who." damn he so nosey


"lamar? the fuck why you going out with lamar, hol the fuck up let me call this nigga real quick." he semi yelled I swear darius act like he's my dad

"nah its nothing he just wanted to take me out to clear my mind about everything."

"you sure cause if nigga try to pull something ima-"

"he isn't. "

"alright he better not." with that being said darius huged me and left. I ate a slice of bread with a lil peanut butter. I really wasnt in the mood to eat. I went to the living and chill on the couch till it was time.


I hear a knock on the door, damn he is 10 minutes early. I got up and answered, when I finally open the door, there was lamar standing looking so fine. I can tell he got a hair cut cause his tape line Is on point and his fade is cute. From head to toe he was looking good.

"hey" I smile

"wassup, you look good." he pulled me into a hug. well damn this nigga friendly

"hold on let me get my stuff" I went back to the couch grab my stuff and walked out the door. "so where are we going." I asked we walked to his red lexus and he open the passenger door for me I side right into the seat then he closed the door and went to his side and got in.

"well I have a couple of things plan out, your just going to have to wait and find out." a couple minutes pass and we pulled up to a skating ring. The first thing that pop up in my head is that this nigga must have forgot im pregnant. We got out the car and enter the place. Lamar paid for our shoes, and we put them on.

"you better make sure I dont fall." I told him

"damn ma im not." he grab my hand and walked me to the ring. When we got there we began to skate. "so how have you been."

"good just a little tired and nauseous sometimes, but so far my pregnancy been good."

"dont mind me asking but has hakeem been there for you." I looked at lamar

"no, he doesnt want anything to do with me or this child" I began thinking about that day at his house when I told him I was pregnant. all the emotions came and I began to have tears falling down.

"erica dont cry if he dont want to be in the child life trust me I will be here for you and the baby." I thought he was joking

"lamar its alright just dont lie to me to make me feel better." I said he stop skating

"Damn im not lying, why do you keep thinking im lying to you, hakeem and I are different people, im nothing like him, so stop thinking im playing you because im not." I can tell he was frustrated with me. I force a smile

"Okay I believe you, now can we finish skating because I was enjoying myself." I grab his hand and we began skating. After the skating ring, we both was hungry so we decided to go to the Al House.

"So tell me about yourself, you so interested In me and I dont know anything about you." I asked

"Alright lets make it more interesting lets play 21 questions so its a little bit more fun."

"I like that idea, alright whats your favorite color."

"Green, favorite number."

"3 whats-" I was cut off by the waiter

"Excuse me are ya ready to order now." the male waiter said. lamar and I order are food, because we already knew what we wanted.

"So when your next doctor appointment?"

"Well its actually next week Thursday," I answered

"Can I come with you." I was surprised he asked that


"You're doctor appointment"

"For what. "

"Damn erica if you dont want me to go just say no."

"Nah its that im surprise you asked that, but yeah I guess you can come just know my mom going to be there."

"Alright then, well where this food at nigga is hungry in this bitch."

Sorry ya I was sooo sick to write any chapters and I had a wedding to walk in, I know this chapter is slow but just wait for the next chapter its going to be great just trust and believe me (keisha cole voice)

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