He leaned forwards, nearly all the way across the bar to look me dead in the eye. My brows rose as I stared back at him, waiting, "you're something else, sweetheart, how about I bring you something a little better than water?" he smirked, his voice low enough to hypnotize me. 

It was hard to almost fall back into this. 

It had been so long since I had sat at a bar, had another man really look at me, like the way that Bill was staring at me right now. 

That little thrill rushing down my back. 

The feel of my heart racing. 

I use to be this girl, one who sat at bars, flirted with men, and would say off the handle shit that usually forced people to laugh in pure dismay. 

That had been Val. 

Val had been crazy, she would have smiled back at Bill, made his attention stay solely focused on her, and then probably would have disappeared with him. 

I had been that girl, and I could feel her slightly settling back into her body with the look this bar tender was shooting me. 

It was amazing to find how much I missed her. 

"Valerie" a deep voice pulled me away from the stupid smile that had tugged across my face from staring at Bill way longer than was socially acceptable. 

We both turned, only to find Justin. 

Bill leaned back, a small nod shot at Justin, "what can I get you, mate?" Bill asked, slipping back into his professional job. 

"Five beers, mate" Justin responded back. 

Bill shot me another smile, "I'll take that drink" I smiled back at him, his grin only widened. He nodded and disappeared. 

I turned back to Justin who was looking down at me, a small confused smile on his face as he stared back at me, "should I even ask about the outfit, love?" he chuckled. 

I rolled my eyes, leaning back against the bar, giving him my full attention, "Kal enjoys torturing me" I shrugged, looking over at the Devil himself. 

Justin turned as well, and we both were met with an odd sight. 

Kal was still sitting at the booth table that was nestled back into the VIP section he had access to. Women surrounded his booth, hanging off of him, one even was currently licking up and down the side of his neck, but what was really surprising was how intensely he was staring back at the two of us. 

I blinked at him, his eyes refusing to even blink as he stared back, no emotion on his face. 

I narrowed my eyes at him, fucking creep. 

His lips tugged into a small smirk. 

"What a creep" I rolled my eyes, looking back to Justin, to find him already staring back at me. 

A strange look crossed over his face as he looked back at me, before he finally blinked, letting that easy going smile rush across his face again. He shrugged, "Kal's ... Kal. He can be difficult" he winced. 

I laughed at that one, "understatement, children are difficult, Kal Kingston is something else all together" I sighed, feeling the tension of having to somehow control his psycho ass running back through my body. 

"He wasn't always like that" Justin sighed, looking back at Kal who had started full on making out with the girl. 

"Really?" I sneered, looking away from him, "find that hard to believe" I sighed. 

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