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Upstate New York, A Few Kilometers Away from the New Avengers Facility

There was something beautiful about crisp copper leaves falling off the trees and the wind picking them from the ground. The cool breeze of the beginning of autumn caressed the side of Angie's face as golden and red colors flew about like fire. Above her, the overlapping clouds made the sky a gloomy gray.

The Harpy of Jötunheim closed her eyes for a moment, gathering the strength to look at the small plot of freshly plowed soil at her feet.

There was no headstone, no plaque, no engraving. She didn't need one to remember the place her brother was buried.

They had chosen a spot near that beautiful cliff Tony had taken her months ago. It was symbolic in a way; she had opened up about Fenrir for the first time in that very place.

When Fenrir's soldiers learned of the death of their General, Polak, the second-in-command took the lead of the troops. He agreed to leave Earth immediately, on the condition that Fenrir's body remained with Angie, to be buried on Earth. Polak was all too happy to comply.

Angie got down on her knees, arranging the makeshift bouquet of flowers. When she got back up, taking a few steps back, she was met with Tony's gaze. He stood by her side, where he always was when she needed him. His eyes wore that soft expression she knew so well; the one that brought hope and life no matter what. And looking into those eyes, she could see it. And he knew that she could.

Soon their fingers intertwined, free of whatever weight she carried and he took comfort in being the one to unburden her.

The tears that fell down her cheek seemed like they were decades in the making. She could feel as if the old Angie was leaking out, letting go, saying farewell to all the grief and the lies of her past. She was making room for this new version of herself, one that was more optimistic about her place in the world.

She let go of Tony's hand for a moment, leaning closer to her brother's grave. She grazed the soil with the tip of her fingers, tenderly. Her heart ached with all the love she hoped would reach him, wherever he was.  

"I forgive you," she muttered "To me you will always be the child I raised all those years ago... And you will always be my one regret. Goodbye little brother."

FENRIR ※ Tony Stark [2]Where stories live. Discover now