I took my boots and my jeans off, and covered my face with the duvet, but her ohhs, ahhs, umms, yes baby fuck me harder, (really bitch?) and suddenly, I knew what the song was missing and exactly who was going to perform it. I just needed to swallow my pride and grease some wheels.

Have fun with your cheap bitches Slash. My fun was just about going to start.

And you won't like it. You won't like one bit.


"Wait, what did you just said?" Izzy asked from the other side of the country.

"Are you deaf, Izz? I had this idea for Rocket Queen and I need you to come to NY."

"I heard that, what I think I got wrong was the live sex thing."

"Just tell me you'll think about." I pleaded.

"Isn't Slash there with you?"

"He won't hear anything from me Izz! He's like a brick wall that thinks that the band is his for some reason I cannot describe!"

Silence. Ouch, that prickled Izzy where he hurted most, the band and his pride.

"I'll think about it."

The line went dead and I smiled. Izzy always boasted to know me better than anyone, but I knew the fundamentals about him. No matter what, nobody pissed on his head, he was above that. To think someone was about to take control of the band was something he could not fathom.


Izzy waltzed in the hotel lobby like he owned the place, his coat hanging over his shoulder, a bowl hat tilted to one side, whistling a tune like a 30s gangster.

Slash eyed him suspiciously.

"Sup Slasher? Not happy to see me?" Izzy said, tapping on Slashs shoulder and asking for a beer.

I sat a few feet away, my belly full of butterflies.

"It depends. Are you here on your own interest or you've been called to settle up differences?"

"Umm", Izzy scratched his spare beard. "I could answer you, but I don't see why should I. It's my band. I take the final cuts."

Slash scoffed. " Your band? I thought it was our band?"

"Now you know it isn't."

Izzy got up from the stool." Common Axl. Let me hear your ideas for this song that's bringing so much conflict."

I got up and started to lead the way when Izzy turned to Slash. "Later I'll hear your ideas. Oh, by the by Slasher, your girlfriend says hi."

I was petrified on the spot.

"My girlfriend? Ain't got no fucking girlfriend!" Slash barked, coming face to face with Izzy.

"Dunno, a chick came by looking for ya the other night. Told me she was lonely."

"And you comforted her, right?"

"I might have. She left her phone number in my bedside table."

Slash sat again, stunned for words.

"Catch you later Slasher." Izzy said, clicking his tongue as we walked towards the elevator.

"What's this girlfriend thing?" I asked Izzy when the doors closed.

"Calm down Axl, I just wanted to piss him off, I have no idea what he's been up to since you broke up that ridiculous little affair of yours with him.

"Our ridiculous affair? He broke up with me because he thought you and I were fucking!"

"And weren't we?" Izzy raised his eyebrow.

"Not when Slash was in the frame, no!"

"How faithful of you." He mocked.

"I thought you and him had hooked up! Even Duff thought you two were fucking!" I exclaimed inside the room.

"Oh, come the fuck on! Have a look at the park." He said, handing me a glass, Wich he half filled with brandy.

His room was nicer, smaller but with beautiful furniture and carpets so soft you feet got buried in it, a full wiew of the park in front of us.

"I could have fucked him if I wanted to, the little whore. But that's the thing. I don't want to fuck him. Never. Ever." His eyes were caught in a dusty flame as he said that, and I could not figure out if he was lying or not.

"And you don't want me to do it either uh? You want me at your beck and call, always waiting, always on my knees! Why?" I demanded. "Why Izzy?"

"What I want, or what you want it's not the point right now Axl. The point is to finish the album. Do you understand that?" He looked at me intently.

"I do. But..."

Izzy put his glass down. " No, no but. No if, no nothing. We need to finish the album. We need to put this album out, we need to get on the road, play the shows, get in the radio, sell this motherfuker by the millions. If we don't, there will be no beach front house babe," he said pulling me by my arms, " there will be no ranch in the mojave, we will be destitute, wannabes, losers, do you wanna go back to Indiana to work in the factories?"

"The fuck I do." I wheezed on his shoulder.

"Then tell me, babe," his voice was now a sultry whisper in my ear, his cold fingers trailing my tailbone, "what do you need to finish this album?"

"I only need to finish Rocket Queen." I whispered back. " But Slash laughed at me when I tried to tell him about including the sex sounds in it.

"Oh yeah? How about do go to the studio and get the job done? I left provisions before I headed here."

Izzy had by now a finger in my ass, and slut as I am, I was pushing against it, my dick stone hard. " Now?" I mewled.

"Now babe, no time to lose," Izzy said, nibbling at my earlobe.

"What about Slash?"

" You go." Izzy said, pushing me out of the room, "I'll take care of the beast, put him back at his place. Call me when you're finish and I'll go pick you up at the studio."

As I entered our box in the studio, everything was dark, with the exception of a night lamp in a corner. There were only a technician hiding behind an amplifier and a naked Adriana lying on the floor.

"Hi Axl!" She beamed. "Izzy said I should do it for the band!"

That's right. We should do it for the band.


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