Chapter 10😈 The Elite in Action

Começar do início

    "Who was your friend?" Before Caleb could say who, Uraraka ran up to the two boys. "Well, I see you found a partner", Caleb says as he softly smiles at the brunette.

     The green haired boy thought he did something wrong to his friend, well, he hoped they were friends because they got along pretty fine. Him and Uraraka then found Iida, walking over to him with hope in their big sparkly eyes. At first, the three friends were huddled up. To the elites, it looked like they were strategizing, but suddenly, Iida walked away from the two and went over to Todoroki.

"That's not fucked up at all", Hugo says. Dominic rolls his eyes, "don't get bothered about it. They ain't our damn problem." Kaiya and Ollie watched as Tokoyami and a girl with strange goggles and pink hair walked over to Uraraka and Midoriya. "Looks like they have their team now", Kaiya whispers.

"And so does everyone else", Ollie says as he scans the field. "Well, sounds like its time to get ready", Sierra says. Midoriya and his team walked over to the seven teens. Hatsume beamed at the elites in their special gym uniform, "I don't see you guys often! Where are you guys mostly hiding~", she asks with fascination laced in her tone.

"Don't fucking worry about it", Dominic growls. Hatsume laughs, "I WILL worry about it!"

"Is everyone ready!?"

The crowd cheers as the teams got ready in different areas of the field. Class R.I.P. a little ways from Midoriya and his group so they would also be able to get bandannas but still also be protected. They all listened to the count down, and with every second, the elites' eyes glowed with anticipation to annihilate the competitors' pride in winning.


The groups then started running towards one another grabbing at the points. Caleb and Sierra made sure that they stood close by Midoriya's team, making sure the ten million was alright.

When Ollie was running, one of the teams used their quirk on him. This pissed him off quite a bit and he pounces on them, taking the bandanna off in the process. He then blew a small circle of fire around them, the flames rising high to where they couldn't make it out unless they walked straight through. Which they knew if they tried, they'd be severely burned. Ollie laughs at their pathetic wails and attempts to step away from the hellish blaze. "Let me see you get outta THAT", he shouts.

Ollie laughs more as he runs away from the team. Ollie snickers at their state, "What good are you if you won't even try making it out of the flames." He then chuckles and looks over at Dominic who's hazel eyes were burning bright.

"Plus. It's only an illusion."


Veronique cries into fits of laughter as she witnesses students run away from her masquerade monsters that were chasing after them. Some fought back, but got their points taken away in the process. "You should juuust give up~", she sings. She watches from a distance as Midoriya's team were now up in the air while Bakugou followed after but was then pulled back down by some tape, which made her giggle at that. She decided poke fun at the ash blonde boy and his team. She cupped her hands to her mouth and shouted.

    "Hoooooww~ pitiful~!" Veronique smiles in amusement at how Bakugou turned his head to her in fury. "Get her! We'll get Deku later", he roars.

"Well their goose is cooked", Veronique says as she hysterically giggles and runs towards them with a wide grin. She summons a masquerade skeleton of Marie Antoinette with a very large axe and a masquerade Headless Horseman.

"You guys have fun with them, I'm gonna go protect those beautiful points", the wicked girl says as she fakes a yawn and walks away. "You guys bore me~."

Bakugou seemed to get more and more pissed by the second. He hits his fist violently on Kirishima's head, "after that Walking Cemetery! Go!" Marie Antoinette stood in their way and screeched, "LET THEM EAT CAKE!" She swung the axe at the kids, which the blade extended longer by a chain. Luckily, Mina, Sero, and Kirishima were able to move their feet simultaneously as the sharp blade slashed the manicured grass, kicking up dirt.

"So the axe is resembling a guillotine", Mina shrieks in question as they had no choice but to retreat, with the Headless Horseman and Marie Antoinette following right behind them.

"You guys are a bunch of pussies! Turn back", Bakugou shouted.


     Midoriya's and Todoroki's team were at a standoff, one team prepared for the taking while the other ready to dodge and run. The crowd cheered and watched intensely at the two groups. "Oh no", Kaiya mumbles as she saw that she was too far away to run to the group, so she turned to Caleb.

     "Caleb! Glitch us over to them!" Caleb nods his head and grabs Kaiya by her waist before he glitched to the other side. When Todoroki was about touch Midoriya, a wall of white flames separated the two.

Kaiya held the thin wall of flames together as spirits moaned and screamed from the flames. "Thanks Caleb and Kaiya", Uraraka shouts happily. The two didn't say anything as they were focused on trying to have that ten million kept, even if they didn't care about it, they knew that Midoriya and the others cared. "Ah!" Caleb looked over at Kaiya who had been caught off guard by Todoroki's flames. The white flames subdued and Iida activated his quirk. Kaiya's eyes widened, "Caleb! Make them glitch", she yells.

     But Caleb was too late, Iida swooped by super fast and Todoroki managed to grab the ten million bandanna. Kaiya and Caleb's eyes widened in shock while Midoriya tried to get it back. But then time was up, which made Kaiya feel a little bad while Caleb just stared at the two groups unamused.


Veronique and Ollie laughed at Bakugou who had fallen on his face when he tried to grab at Todoroki. Present Mic started naming off the groups in the top four. "I-I'm sorry guys", Midoriya whimpers, "I lost the ten million. And now it's gone, we didn't even get a chance to get the other bandannas." Tokoyami shows off a bandanna that Dark Shadow had in his grasp.

     Ollie, Dominic, Hugo and Veronique showed a few bandannas that they managed to grab when others were distracted. When they heard Midoriya's team was in fourth place, the boy started crying a fountain of tears.

    The seven elites smiled at him, "well he sure is happy", Hugo says. Sierra hums, "I would be too if I knew I still had a chance to fight."

Thank you guys for over 600 reads. I'm probably gonna cry when this book gets to 1k.....just say'n

Secret Class of the Elite: My Hero Academia Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora