5. Small Town

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"Okay, so where did you live before coming here to Klendale?" I ask curiously.

"I actually lived here my whole life until my dad sent me to a boarding school in London a couple of years ago," he answers back truthfully. Maybe that's why he looks so familiar.

"Why did he send you to boarding school?" I quickly ask after he spoke his last word.

"That's one question I am not answering," he says as his jaw clenches.

"That's not fair. What the heck!!" I hate when people do that. If you tell me that I can ask ANY question I want, then that's what you should let me do.

"Not my problem," I want to slap that cute smirk off his face ugggh. But instead, I roll my eyes. "You know, with the number of times you roll your eyes it's gonna get stuck that way,"

" I started doing it as soon as I met you, so if there is anyone to blame it's you," I give him a smile and he just laughs.

I chose to not ask any more questions because I know that he will find a wormhole to each question I ask.

We spend a lot of time there, and surprisingly I was having a good time, and under his cocky personality and annoying tactics, he actually kinda nice to be around... I think. By the time we both have finished our burgers and fries the waiter comes back to our booth and Travis asks for the check.

I pull out my wallet getting ready to pay for my half but Travis just gives me a look.

"What do you think you're doing," he asks. 

"Gymnastics ...  what does it look like I'm doing, I'm paying for the food," I say as I pull out a ten dollar bill.

"No you're not. What kind of a gentleman would I be if I let you split the bill with me?"

"Trav stop being so difficult and just let me pay," I whine hoping he'll give in.

"Trav?" he grins "I see we are on a nickname basis," he continues and sneakily swipes my wallet from my hand.

"What the heck man give it back. Oh and the nickname thing isn't new, you call me Clem all the time."

"Clem is different."

The waiter comes back, takes Travis's money, smiles at us and walks away. As soon as the waiter walks away Trav gives back my wallet with an accomplished smile on his face.

"How is Clem different?" I question him.

"It just is," he tells me as he slides out of the booth placing his hand in front of my face as a gesture for me to grab it. I place my hand in his and he pulls me out of the booth and starts walking to the door.

"You're more stubborn than me and that should tell you something," I laugh.

As he drags me across the parking lot I notice he passes my car. "Hey that was my car."

"Ya I know I'm driving you to my place."

"Uh just because you paid for my food, which I didn't even want you to do, doesn't mean you can take me to your place to do who knows what. Do I look like one of the bimbos you take home?" I say as I yank my arm from his strong grip.

"You and I both know that's not the reason why I wanted to drive you to my place,"

"Do we really?"I say unconvinced, "Either way I have homework I have to finish," I lie.

"Okay but I will take you there one way or another so don't think you got away with it," he smirks, "Okay babe?"

"I hate you,"

"Love you more Clem," he says and I immediately blush.

I quickly fast walk over to my car so he won't see the effect his words had on me, even though I know he didn't actually mean them.



I wake up to my phone ringing and I lean over to press snooze until I see my best friend's name on the screen, Bella. Bella and I have been friends since seventh grade then in the eighth grade I found out that Maya, also my bestie, are twin sisters. I know what most people would think ' Are you that dumb you didn't notice that they were twins!!' but in my defense, I was not a social person back then and I only knew Bella because she was in my English class. Those two were there for everything I have been through and the fact that they still put up with my boloney amazes me. But sadly we went to different high schools because Anderson high didn't have the types of orchestra classes she wanted.

"Hello?" I say as I rub my eyes.

"Hiiiiiiii," she squeals into my ear through the phone.

"El, I love you so much but why the heck are you calling me this early in the morning," I say as I look at the clock that reads nine thirty. She always wakes up this early, once I tried to sleep based on her sleeping schedule... I failed within three days.

"No specific reason other than the fact that I miss you, so I'm gonna come over in an hour after tennis practice. You're free then right?"

"Ya of course. It feels like I haven't seen you in months even though I saw you a week ago."

"I know right. Okie, see you then, love ya."

As soon as she ends the call I throw my phone on the edge of my bed and fall back asleep.

After what feels like five minutes I wake up because of constant banging on my front door. I drag myself out of bed and go to open the door. The second I open the door I see my two favorite people and we practically tackle each other out of excitement. The three of us immediately start to ramble about what has happened since we've last seen each other.

After two hours of talking about everything and constantly sending memes to each other, I heard a knock on my door. I was kinda hesitant walking over to open the door because I know my siblings were out shopping or at basketball practice, my parents were at work, and my other friends were shopping at The Grove.

As I open the door I automatically smell the obnoxious smell of tobacco and I instantly know it's Travis. I know it's him because everyone in my life knows how much I hate smoking so they would not do it if they know I am going to be around them or else I will give a long lecture about how smoking is a one-way ticket to lung cancer and many other health problems.

"How the heck did you find my address."

"It's a small town babe," he smirks at me "So are you going to let me in and introduce me to the two beauties behind you?"

I give him a 'really?' look but he doesn't change his expression. " This is Bella and Maya. Bella, Maya this is the worlds most obnoxious guy, Travis," I say with a grin on my face "And no I am not going to invite you in because as you can see we are busy so bye."

"Uh no we weren't," Maya says smirking at me nudging me in the stomach.

"That's what I thought," Trav says as he walks beside me...


Hey sorry for not updating I will try to update more frequently. If you are enjoying the story don't forget to vote Love Y'all <333

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