4. Ruby's Diner

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* Hey Clem *

* Travis? * I text back.

* Yup the one and only. Miss me? *

* lol in your dreams *

* you are ;) *

* you're disgusting *

* only for you *

* whatever, how'd you get my number? *

* yesterday I ran into your friend again, so I asked her to give it *

* and she simply gave it? *

* she was hesitant at first but I told her it was an emergency *

* so basically you lied *

* nope, the emergency was that I didn't have your number and I wanted it *

* I hope you know how annoying you are :) *

* no I wasn't aware *

* why are you awake this early in the morning anyway? *

* just cause, Clem *

* why do you keep calling me that, my real name isn't that hard to remember *

He doesn't respond back to my text for a few seconds but then I see my phone buzzing with his number on it. I am a little hesitant to pick up the call at first but I surprisingly do.

" Hello? " I say first.

" Hi, beautiful. What's with the questions and the interrogation? " I blush at his little compliment but there is no way I'm gonna allow him to know that.

" I'm not interrogating you and also have I ever mentioned how annoying you are? " I try to sound as if I was unaffected by his comment.

"So I have been told, " I can hear his cute chuckle. Did I seriously just say cute? Am I getting sick or something, what the heck.

" Ok, whatever I'm gonna go. Bye," I try to end the call but he interrupts by saying,

" What's the rush?"

" I have stuff to do right now, " that was my lame version of an excuse.

" You have stuff to do right now? "


" At 6:30 in the morning?" He obviously can see through my lie. Great.

" Yeah... uh...I have to um go clean my uh books," Nice save you, idiot.

"Mhm ya sure, whatever you say, princess. Have fun cleaning your 'books', "

He ends the call and I go to look for my book. MY BOOK! Oh my God, I never took it back from Travis. Why am I so stupid, like actually though why? Ugh. I should just text him saying to bring it tomorrow, well actually today considering the time right now. I text him to bring it no later than today especially because it's Friday and I won't see him until Monday.


It's barley snack and people are already trying to get Travis's attention, I mean like not that I care or anything, but especially the girls at our school, they won't let the poor guy breathe. They are always flirting with him, touching his arm, asking him for help in math, or something else along those lines.

By the time I get to my last period, I am already drained I had three tests, one for math, another for history, and for physics. Physics involves more freaking math than actual science, so it's like having two math classes a day, fun! Note the sarcasm.

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