2. Detention Buddies

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The last few days of break sadly ended and now I am stuck getting ready for school. I usually never eat breakfast on school days because number one I am too lazy to actually make breakfast for myself and number two even if I had the energy to make myself something, I don't have the time to do it. I just quickly make coffee, run out the door, and drive to school in my old car.

I walk out of my car and see my friends squealing and running towards me as if we haven't seen each other in years, it's a bit dramatic but I love them for it.

As we walk to our first period I hear them talking about the interesting break they had. One went to Big Bear the other to Canada, and blah blah blah. Sadly can't relate, the last time my family and I went on vacation was when I was in elementary school, and that was only to see family we haven't seen in years. But, I don't complain because I know how much my parents struggle when it comes to money.


The day surprisingly passed by quick except my fifth-period math class which I am in right now. I just sit patiently waiting for the bell to ring so I can finally get to my favorite class, English.

I hear the classroom phone ring which broke me from the daydream I was having, and moments later the teacher tells me to go to the office. My initial reaction is to panic because I am not one to get in trouble, I try to stay away from it as much as I can, and getting called to the office is usually a bad thing in my head.

As I walk to the office, fifty million scenarios go through my head for why I could have been called to the office.

When I reach the office they simply tell me that my sixth period English teacher will be changing due to the amount of the students transferring here and also the students leaving the school, which I don't blame them for doing.

I walk back to my fifth-period math class and wait until the bell rings.

As the bell rings I escort myself to my last period class, eager to get as far as I can from it.

I go to the front row to take my seat after telling my new English teacher, Mrs.Boyle, about my schedule change.

The seats get all filled other than a few empty seats in the front, one being next to my seat, and one in the back of the class.

After a good five minutes, the door opens to the classroom revealing the same guy I saw at the library. Great.

"Travis nice of you to join us," Mrs. Boyle says with sarcasm in her voice.

He just shrugs as he looks around the room then stops as his eyes rest on mine. He smirks and walks in my direction sitting in the empty chair next to me.

"Hi, Clem,"

"Uh, hi?" I respond, " And just saying my name isn't Clem or Clementine, I hope you know that."

"Ya I know, ... and?"

"And nothing, don't call me Clementine if my name isn't that," I bark.

"Whatever you say, Clem,"

"Oh my God you're so frustrating," I say slightly raising my voice.

"Miss Evans, Mr. Carter detention for the both of you, maybe that will teach you to not talk in my class while I am teaching." Mrs. Boyle announced.

Ugh, what a great way to start off the new semester.

"Thanks, nimrod," I spit.

"Anytime babe," Travis replied.

I roll my eyes and try to focus on Mrs. Boyle speaking about Fahrenheit 451.

Time passes by and school finally ends bringing me out of my misery, until I remember that I have detention.

I text my friends telling them not to wait for me like they usually do after school.

I walk into the detention room already dreading the hour that I have to spend in here and with Travis out of all people. I put my earbuds into my ears and my hood over my head as I see him walking into the class, so I have an excuse to ignore him in case he starts to bother me again.

Travis pulls on one of the two earbuds from my ear as he walks past me sitting in the seat behind me. I turn around giving him an evil glare, but he just laughs at it.

"There are plenty of other seats in the room and many other people to torment,"

"Ya but none of them are as fun to torment ... or as cute," he says giving me a smirk.

I quickly turn back around as I feel my cheeks turning red, out of all the things he could have said I didn't think that would be it.

Wait, If he goes here how come I have never seen him before, Anderson High School might be a big school but it's not that big. As my curiosity becomes more and more I turn around.

"Not that I care or anything but how come I've never seen you around?" I question him.

"That's because I just transferred here," he replies

"Transferred from where?"

"That's for me to know,"

"Ya ok, whatever,"

I shrug and act like I don't care when in reality millions of questions are flowing through my mind.

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ConsequencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora