Chaeyoung raises her eyebrows and gives him a guilty smile, "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, Chae," he chuckles, "It's cool, really."

The girl sighs and takes a seat next to him, looking down at her lap. As much as much as she wanted to continue the conversation with him, she couldn't keep her mind off of this particular blonde. The weight on her shoulders grew heavier as she glanced at Jungkook who was just looking back at her confusingly.

"You sure you're okay?"

"I... Yeah..." Chaeyoung replies, putting a palm to her face as she rubbed her eyes slowly, "I just... It's Lisa..."

The man's eyebrows furrowed for a moment leans in to hear her better, "What happened?"

Chaeyoung suddenly remembers that day two years ago when Jungkook was sitting in her old apartment as she ranted about how Lisa had left her in the hospital. She felt a sort of familiarity at the conversation that was taking place now so she smiled at him. Jungkook was extremely supportive when she was in her coma even though she had heard that he had been getting into arguments with Lisa when they would coincidentally visit her at the hospital on the same day. Even after Chaeyoung had woken up, Jungkook had been extremely caring when she got out of the hospital and she was forever thankful for having a friend like him. Even if he liked her, Jungkook cared for her as a friend first and foremost.

"Tell me what's up," Jungkook says, "It's obviously got you down, so let's fix that."

Chaeyoung sighs and nods, "Okay."

"Just be mine already, Chaeyoung."


"Be my girlfriend so that I don't have to worry about anyone else taking you away from me."

Chaeyoung's eyes widen as she listens to Lisa's offer. The blonde held a stoic stare, waiting for her to answer. The brunette could practically hear her heart beat a mile a minute as she blinks at her a couple times. The younger girl did nothing but wait, gripping the hand she was holding a little tighter as she gave it a small squeeze.


Her breath hitched in her throat. She tried to say something, but she didn't exactly process the sentence in her head, not knowing what to say or do. Chaeyoung's mind filled with endless thoughts and scenarios that scared her to death as she catches Lisa's gaze on her. Moments blew by as the blonde shifts her hand, letting herself fill the space between Chaeyoung's fingers. Her eyes blinked down to her hands, watching how Lisa's fingers easily intertwined with hers.

"Will you?" Lisa asks, eagerly waiting for her answer.

"I... Um..." Chaeyoung inhales and looks over to the blonde's face.

Watching how the brunette hesitate for so long made Lisa's chest clench and grow tighter. She thought she would agree quickly without a doubt, but it was all the complete opposite.

The light jazz music in the background of the café seemed to have faded behind their ears. They almost couldn't hear a single thing, watching each other's faces and movements intently. Chaeyoung almost couldn't breath as if something was suffocating her and Lisa was practically shaking as she held her hand. Her answer was long overdue and she almost couldn't wait anymore until Chaeyoung finally decided to speak.

"I–I don't know."

Lisa blinked, loosening her grip on the older girl's hand, "You what?"

"I–I'm not... sure.. yet," Chaeyoung stutters, turning her head away from Lisa.

"Yet?" the blonde takes a deep breath, running her thumb over the top of Chaeyoung's hand, "W-Why? W–What—What's the matter?"

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