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two months later

"Please, don't," his whimpering voice begs.

"Please, shut up," Evelyn mocks, rubbing her temples with her fingers in an attempt to soothe the pain. "You're giving me a headache."

"What do you want? Money?"

"Well, I'm in a bank for a reason," Evelyn snaps before rolling her eyes. She turns back to face the camera, giving a mocking smile to whoever is watching. "Keep that rolling, Gotham needs to see just how horrible its people are."

"So," Evelyn announces, taking steps across the clean tile floor. She scans the line of hostages, taking slow, taunting steps. Her leg, along with the other results from Galavan's beating, has completely healed. "I wanna know, exactly, who killed Theodore Galavan."

She faces the camera once more, smiling in an almost innocent way. "I'm not mad, I just wanna talk. I kinda had my own plan for his death so..."

"It was the Penguin!" A hostage announces, causing Evelyn to stop in her spot. "Everyone knows it was the Penguin."

Evelyn lets out a huff before quickly turning around, aiming her gun, and pulling the trigger. The loud bang! makes people scream. A few whimpers are heard as the blood from the now dead hostage starts to pool beside them.

"I don't like being interrupted," she defends, giving a sickly sweet smile. "Now, I know everyone thinks it was Penguin that killed Galavan. But I know it wasn't. If it was, I would've been the first to know, believe it or not."

Evelyn looks at the group, pressing her gun against her chin as she pretends to think. "Excuse me, yes, you, sir." Evelyn rolls her eyes as he points to himself in confusion. "Come here real quick?"

Hesitantly, the man stands. It's then Evelyn realizes it isn't a man, but a teenage boy. He slowly steps towards her. Evelyn wraps her arm around his shoulders, pulling him close and down to her 5'5" height. She moves the gun right below his chin, causing him to stiffen.

"I am waiting on a call from a very special person," Evelyn admits, looking right at the stranger. She grabs his face, forcing him to look at her. "He knows who he is."

She faces the camera once again, forcing the teen to look as well. "Put on your pouty face, hun. Detective Gordon needs constant reassurance to know I'm not kidding around here."

His eyes widen as the gun moves from his chin to his cheek. The cool metal contrasts the rising heat in his cheeks. Evelyn leans forward, not caring about getting in the poor guy's personal space.

"So handsome," she compliments, using her other hand to move his hair out of the way. "How old are you?"

"Seventeen," he grunts out.

"Only a year younger than me," she hums, studying his face before getting too close. "What a happy coincidence. Too bad your pretty little brains are gonna be splattered all over the ground if I don't get what I want."

As if on cue, the cellphone of the camera guy starts to ring, causing both him and Evelyn to raise an eyebrow. She extends her hand. Without hesitation, he hands her the phone. "You can sit down, hun, I won't mess with you just yet." The teenager obliges and takes his seat again before letting out the breath he was holding.

"Camera Guy Number One's phone, to whom am I speaking to?" She greets into the phone, making her voice sound eerily sweet.

"Evelyn Carter," the familiar gruff voice of justice greets.

"Jim Gordon," Evelyn greets, looking directly into the camera as if he's there himself. "How's it going. Long time no see."

"Evelyn, let the hostages go. They've got nothing to do with your questions."

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