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"Dollface, we've got a dilemma."

Evelyn looks over at Jerome, having not made eye contact with him since the parking garage. Jerome beckons her over, to which she obliges.

The crisp city wind pushes her hair back, getting a few strands in her face as she makes her way to him. Jerome gestures to the gagged man in a straight jacket who's currently inwardly praying.

"We've got an extra," Jerome explains, a false tone of sadness.

Evelyn looks over the edge of the roof they're currently on. Six bodies lay vertically near each other on the concrete, spelling out one word: MANIAX

"Can't let him go..." Evelyn thinks aloud before looking back at the praying man. "Hand me that," she commands, pointing to the spray paint can. One of the fellow group members obliges. She shakes the canister for a few seconds before spraying the vertical line with a dot beneath it.

"An upside down, 'i'?" Tall N' Skinny, questions with confusion. Evelyn furrows her brows while Jerome outwardly slaps the man's face.

"No idiot," Jerome insults before pointing to the punctuation mark. "It's an exclamation point."

Holding onto his cheek, Tall N' Skinny nods with his mouth partially opened, realizing it is, indeed, an exclamation point.

"Aaron!" Jerome beckons. Baldy looks up and walks forward, doing the same thing he did with the other six victims. He picks the restrained praying man up and holds him over his head with miraculous strength Evelyn can't help but love. "What do you think, Dollface? Right here?"

"Left," Evelyn simply states, causing Baldy to take two steps to the left. "Perfect." With a grunt, Baldy throws the man from nearly ten stories high, him landing right beside the X of MANIAX!

"Looks superb," Jerome compliments, standing beside her near the edge of the building.

"Yeah, it does," says Evelyn as she looks down at the bodies. She wrings her hands together, watching all the people scatter like ants. A few look up at the group. "Can we go now?"

"Leave?!" exclaims the voice from beside her. A hearty laugh follows. Evelyn tenses as strong hands are placed on both of her upper arms. She could feel him slowly leaning in as if he were about to tell her a secret.

"Tell me, what do you see?"

Evelyn turns her head facing him with a strong glare. A few seconds later, Jerome faces her, his grin wavering once noticing she wasn't looking. Without any warning, he grabs the back of her neck and forces her to look at their masterpiece. "I'm not gonna ask again."

"Seven dead people," Evelyn growls, glaring at the space below.

He leans closer, tsking softly at the answer. "I see victims. Those who don't deserve what they got, but get it anyway. Close your eyes." This time, Evelyn obliges. She closes her eyes, fists clenching as he continues to hold her steady. "Imagine the look of terror on their face as they fell. Imagine the pain their throats felt as they screamed their final scream." Evelyn couldn't tell if the fluttery feeling was fear or excitement. She felt his lips barely graze her ear. "Now imagine you pushed them."

A sense of pride begins to swell in her chest. She opens her eyes, letting out a small gasp before allowing a small smile to form. Images of her father, sister, and mother flash before her. Their screams, their pleas, the frozen look of terror after realizing their daughter was a killer.

Jerome gently grabs her hand to which she responds by squeezing it until her knuckles were white. "You can see it, can't you?" He questions, causing her to involuntarily nod. "And you like it."

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