Chap. 1

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3 weeks ago

"Hey Liam what do you want for dinner?" My father asked looking at my in the car mirror. "I'm good with anything you guys want." I smiled back at my parents. "How about pizza?" My mom chimed in. "That sounds great" my dad and I say at the same time causing everyone to laugh. We slowly set to stop and I went back to looking out the window. I found looking out the window soothing although I don't have car sickness. The car rattles as we start again heading straight. It's pretty late almost 9:30pm, it dark out and there aren't many cars on the road. It's still around 20 mins till we make it home so I rest my eyes. The next thing I know I awake to the blaring of the car horn and my mother screaming. I jolted awake seeing a navy blue truck heading straight toward us. It was to late. I wake up again but I'm not in the car anymore, I almost thought it was a dream until I smelt it, hospital. Melissa walked in, "You awake" she piped up catching my attention. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Yes I'm fine I will heal." I responded. "Where are my parents?" I asked getting worried. I heard her heart jump slightly to the question. "Well you dad's in surgery and he will be just fine." She responded frowning walking over to my side. "My mom?" I asked fearful for the answer. "Oh Liam, I'm so very sorry." She said rubbing my arm. "What! No! She can't" I cried my voice cracking. "Honey I'm sorry, your mother didn't make it." She said with sadness in her voice pulling me into a tight hug, trying to comfort me. "! no!" I sobbed starting to yell. I guess I was quite loud as doctors poked their head in my room checking to see what was going on, but they seemed to understand and left. "Mason is here, he is very worried." Melissa said pulling out of the hug looking calmly into my eyes, "do you want to see him?" "Yeah" I sniffled. She left the room and Mason walked in. "I'm so sorry buddy" he said hugging me. I guess it was true she was gone. My mom. The one who loved me the most. "It will be okay" upheaval reassured me. "How?" My voice cracked. "Everything heals at some point, even if it takes years, you will be okay again, I promise, and for now I'm right here for you, by your side" Mason spoke rubbing my back as I started to hiccup from crying. We stayed there in silence for awhile until my tears slightly dried. "The pack is here everyone, even Theo is here" Mason smiled trying to cheer me up. "They can come in" I responded, I guess it could be good to have people with me. Mason grabbed everyone and we just chilled for awhile, avoiding the subject which made me feel a little bit better for the time being. Scott was sitting in the chair next to me, he could sense my chemosignals I guess and set his arm on my wih a slight smile. I gasped. "Your in pain?" Scott gasped. "I didn't reslly notice until now I guess." I responded, that was he truth. The night went on eventually visiting hours had ended and they had decided to keep me the night for observation even though I have practically healed. My dad survived his surgery and could go home in a week. For the time I would just hang at Masons. But she is still gone and that is what hasn't healed and what hurts the most.

My hero, My Savior ~ ThiamWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt