Chapter Four

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|Shawn And Trinity|

Shawn's Pov:

I was in the kitchen putting chicken into a bowl of marinade when Benny and Baron walked inside. "Hey guys," I said wiping my hands on a kitchen towel then hugging them. "Your mom's laying on the couch Benny if you want to see her." "Actually Shawn we need to talk to you alone when the others get here," Benny said looking at Baron.

"Oh? What about?" I asked as Miley Roman Dean and Roxy walked in. "Good everyone's here. Let's go outside I don't want Mom hearing any of this," Benny said and we all walked out by the pool. "Ok what the hells going on?" I asked. "It's Gabby," Roman said becoming the spokesman for all of us. "Is she causing trouble again?" I asked. All the girls nodded. "She sent a pic of her tits to Roman Dean and Baron Daddy," Miley said.

"You're shitting me," I said and all the guys shook their heads. "Not only that, we think she's so pissed off that she threw bricks through our living room windows," Baron said. "She did what?! Damn she's got issues," I said shaking my head. "That's why we wanted to ask you if you could help us make her stop," Roxy said.

"Hmmm," I said thinking. "Whatever we do we need to keep it a secret from Mom. She doesn't need any stress right now with her pregnancy being high risk,"Benny said. "You got that right," I said. "Let's just have the barbecue then if I think of anything I'll let you know afterwards."

"Ok, why don't the girls go keep Trinity company while us guys work on the food. That way we can discuss ideas," I said and the girls nodded. "Good idea. If we come up with anything we can tell you all later," Dean said. "That's the best way to do it," Benny said, "to keep Mom from knowing."

"Hang on though," Miley said, "Trinity should help us too. I mean she knows first hand what Gabby's capable of like the rest of us." I looked at her. "Are you sure princess? I mean we're trying to keep Trinity stress-free," I said. "She's right Mom knows just like we do. She needs to be part of this too,"Benny said.

Roman walked up and took Miley in his arms. "I was thinking that me and Miley are her main targets. And she's just hurting everyone that we're closest to because that will get her closer to us," he said pulling her as close to him as he could. "She needs to be stopped."

I looked at Miley and Roman and nodded. "I agree," I said, "and I think I have an idea. But I want Trinity to hear it along with the rest of you. So I'll tell you all about it while we all eat," I said. Everyone nodded. "Daddy I'm scared. What if Gabby hurts me or Roman? Or RJ? She's capable of doing anything to break me and Roman up.....," Miley said.

"Babe that's not gonna happen. We're all going to make sure that it doesn't," Roman said kissing her. "He's right. You're completely safe. We ain't gonna allow Gabby to do anything to you, Roman or RJ," I said hugging her tightly. "Or to our family for that matter," Roman said. "Gabby can't handle all of us. We're gonna fight her together."

Trinity's Pov:

I laid on the living room couch wondering why the hell everyone was being so secretive around me. I had a right to know what was going on. I got up and walked outside and went up to Shawn. "What the fuck is going on?! I want to know now!" I said giving him a look.

"Trin baby I was going to tell you later......," Shawn said flinching at the glare I was aiming at him. "Mom we were looking out for you with the babies......,"Benny began but I cut her off. "I'm pregnant not an invalid! And yes I'm supposed to watch my stress levels but if someone is threatening my family I have a right to know!" I snapped.

"We might as well tell you," Miley said and she Roman and I sat down at the table. "Trinity, Gabby's at it again," Roman began. "That little bitch. What's she doing now" I asked. "Well she started by sending Roman Dean and Baron a pic of her tits asking each guy if they wanted to motorboat them," Miley said in a disgusted voice.

"Ew," I said shaking my head. "Then when Baron Dean and I didn't answer her she threw bricks through the living room windows of each of our homes," Roman said. "To be honest I'm surprised she didn't send the pic to Shawn as well." I looked at him. "If she did he probably deleted it without telling me," I said rubbing my bump.

"That's something you need to ask him about," Miley said as Roman pulled her closer to him. I could see then just how much he truly loved her. "I know but I don't want us fighting again," I said feeling tears in my eyes. "Have you and Daddy been fighting?" Miley asked. "Ever since I found out I'm having twins he's been way too overprotective," I said.

"That's not necessarily a bad thing," Roman said. "Remember how I was with Miley when Troy kept coming around?" I nodded. "Yeah I do. You never let him get close enough to try anything," I said. "Maybe that's why Daddy's being so overprotective as well," Miley said as she laid her head on Roman's shoulder. "You could be right Miley," I said.

Everyone else walked up then and we all had dinner and stayed up late. I was still wondering if Shawn had received that pic. I decided to wait til he fell asleep and then check his phone. A wife could never be too careful these days.

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