Chapter Twenty

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|Same Night|
|Benny and Baron|

Benny's Pov:

I grabbed another strawberry Smirnoff Ice and twisted the cap off. It was maybe my fourth one of the night but I didn't give a shit. Baron walked over to me with a Bud Light in one hand and a make shift ice pack in the other. He held it right below his right eye where it was starting to blacken. "Baby you ok?" I asked my words slurring a little.

"Yeah I'm fine baby," Baron said downing some of his beer. We sat side by side on a padded chaise lounge watching Roman and Miley slow dancing in the corner of the dance floor. "Look at them. They're so in love," I said drinking some of my drink. Suddenly this random drunk guy stumbled up to them and reached out trying to grab her tits through her dress!

"We got trouble brewing," Baron said as Roman shoved the drunk guy away from Miley and the guy took a wild swing and fell flat on his face. "Damn," I said snorting back a laugh. "You got that right," Baron said chuckling. Roman picked the guy up and tossed him out on his ass then went back to Miley. He held her close and kept his hand on her tiny bump the entire time.

"I want that," I blurted out. "Want what?" Baron asked scooting closer to me. I pointed at Roman and Miley. "What they have," I said with a pout. "Are you jealous of Miley?" Baron asked. "No! No way!! She's my stepsister I love her!" I said setting my empty bottle down then crossing my arms. "So what do you mean you want what they have?" Baron asked again.

I turned to Baron and looked him right in the eye. "I want a baby," I said slowly. "Roman and Miley have RJ and one on the way, Roxy and Dean are expecting their first, and Mom's about to pop with her and Shawn's twins any day now! I guess I have baby fever," I said shrugging. Baron pulled me into his arms and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Awe baby," Baron said kissing my forehead, "I know how you feel. I want to be a daddy so bad myself." I looked at him in surprise. "Really?" I asked holding in a hiccup. "Yeah really," Baron said, "but I kinda promised my family I'd get an education before settling down with a family." I nodded. "I understand that. Mom and Shawn are like that with me and Miley," I said.

"That ship's sailed for Miley I think," Baron said with a chuckle. "No it hasn't. She is still going to college, so is Roman. They're raising RJ like they should," I said. Miley and Roman walked over to us at that point. "Did y'all see that ass who tried to cop a feel on Miley? Damn he tried to hit me and completely missed!" Roman said letting out a drunk sounding laugh.

"Yeah we saw him. What a perv," I said draining my bottle. I burped loudly then held the bottle out to Baron. "Another one please," I said holding in another belch. Baron looked at me as he stood up. "Benny I think you've had enough to drink don't you think?" he asked gently. I shot him a glare. "I will tell you when I've had enough!" I snapped making everyone look at me in surprise and shock.

Baron's Pov:

I shook my head as I went to get Benny another drink. I grabbed a bottle of strawberry kiwi Smirnoff Ice and a Bud Light for me and walked back to where everyone was gathered. Miley was sitting on Roman's lap and Roxy and Dean were dancing.

"Here baby," I said handing it to her as I sat back down. "Thanks baby," Benny said. "Look I'm sorry I snapped at you." I shook my head as I pulled her close. "It's fine babe," I said kissing her cheek. Roman and Miley had started making out on the lounge chair and I nudged Benny. "Those two need to get a room huh?" I said grinning.

"Yeah," Benny said peeling the label off her bottle. "Look about the baby thing......," I said blowing out a breath, "if you want a baby that badly, let's go for it." Benny looked at me in shock and surprise. "Really? But what about the promise you made to your family?" she asked. "Hell I'm an adult. I don't always have to do what my family tells me," I said with a smirk.

"That's true," Benny said laughing along with me. She took a drink as she looked across the lawn to her mom and Shawn. Her mom looked like she wasn't feeling well. "Baron something is up with Mom.....I'm gonna go check on her ok?" she said and kissed me. "Be right back." I watched her walk to where Trinity and Shawn were and kneel down by her mom.

Roman and Miley walked back over to me and sat by me. "I hope Trinity's ok," Miley said watching her with concern. "I hope so too baby," Roman said looking over there too. Suddenly I saw Benny help Shawn help Trinity to her feet. "Uh oh something's wrong," I said as Roxy and Dean ran towards Shawn and Trinity.

Roman and Miley rushed to Shawn and Trinity's side and Miley looked at Shawn. "Is everything ok Daddy?" she asked as I walked up. "I've gone into labor Miley," Trinity said and blew out a breath as a contraction came. "Ahh!" she screamed. "We have to get her to the hospital now!" Shawn said and Roman andDean helped him get Trinity to his car.

"Everyone the party's over! Thank you for coming!" Miley called as we all got in our cars and followed Shawn and Trinity to the hospital.

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