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This was supposed to be a one shot and I was surprised to get such a demand for a second part and then a third! 

I have the world's best Beta reader/Editor/Writing Partner/OTP/Friend Wow, she must mean that much to me. KiriBaku_luver I hope you like the cover...Surprise! 🧡 

The cover page was beautifully designed by -_Lenn_- thank you so much for bringing my ideas to life!
Be sure to pull up the full picture to appreciate it to the fullest.

The villain was named by Ruby-Riot thank you! She also inspired the plot to this final chapter! Her TodoMomo stories are amazing btw 😘 

‘tap tap’

‘tap tap’

It’s almost been 5 years since the love of my life, Katsuki died in the tragedy. I miss him still, thinking about him every day and the life we could have shared. I’m still ‘tapping’ not as often but it still helps at times. I haven’t left the apartment we shared, in fear of not being able to hear Katsuki’s ‘taps’ anymore.

I stand outside on the balcony, taking a sip from my beer after a long stressful day of work, the refreshing hoppy and citrus taste dancing on my tongue relaxing me. Laying my hand on the railing, the last bits of light from the sun reflects off the ring on my finger, the red and orange in the twilight remind me of our clashing personalities mingling so perfectly together. I look at it I think back to the time I got it.


I was at the mall on a mission searching for the perfect piece of jewelry. I went to every store, almost giving up until I reached the last store. I pass an assortment of rings, bracelets, and watches, none of which were right. I damn near gave up, until my eyes caught on a ring that made my heart soar. It was a black tungsten ring with an orange centered stripe. It would complement his hero gear so well. Knowing instantly that was the ring for him, thank god. I easily found its counterpart in silver with a red center strip for me. Both rings were engraved “Always and Forever,” with each of our names.

I bought them two days before Kat’s death.

I never got the chance to ask him to be my partner and husband for the rest of our lives, I already knew his answer would have been, yes.


With that memory flashed through my mind I couldn’t help but tear up. I reached with my left hand for Katsuki’s ring hanging around my neck. Overwhelmed, I grabbed the railing and

‘tap tap’

‘tap tap’

Kat’s ‘tap’ reassures me and gives me strength.

Stepping back inside I did something I haven’t done in a very long time, I spoke to him.

“Hey, Katsuki, I know you're here watching over me. I know you can see the rings. Yea, I know what you're probably thinking, why the fuck are you wearing wedding rings? I had plans to ask, a few days after I got them but then the villains attacked and you left me and” I stopped to wipe the tears.

“I couldn’t bring myself to wear them until your birthday after the dream, I don’t regret buying them. I don't regret you. I let the world know about us on the anniversary of your death, I wanted them to know how much I love you and the future we could have had if you weren’t ripped away from me so soon. I hope you're not mad, love.” I reach out once more

‘tap tap’

"I’d never be mad at you, Eijiro."

‘tap tap’

I smile at his replying tap for me.

Work was weird today. I had a bad feeling something was really wrong, like something big was gonna happen, like a huge fight or a very powerful villain on the loose, I don’t know maybe I’m just being paranoid. I take a deep breath I reach out again to

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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