[ Chapter 51 ]

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Y/n's pov. 

We're in the hospital, Jack is going to have his cast off today. We're waiting for our turn. I'm with Gene, since they are going to take it off using a small circular saw so someone need to hold him.

He's still little and scared of sharp things.

Caleb and Claire are in the day care with Mariko, Ash and Ethan.

" J-jack! " Gene winced quietly for some reason.

I look at Jack and see him biting Gene's index finger. I snorted.

" Jack stop eating everything " i laughed a little and grab him by his waist.

" ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, fucking ow " Gene cursed quietly as Jack wouldn't let go of his finger.

I grab a strawberry flavoured lollipop in my bag and gave it to him. He let's go and grab the lollipop from my hand and started sucking on it.

" your just like Caleb " Gene whines as he holds his wrist while his finger is covered with Jack's saliva, i chuckled when i see Jack's teeth mark.

" here " i gave him a tissue.

He wipe his finger and there was Jack's bite mark. Jack giggles and i just roll my eyes holding him by his waist as he sits on my lap.

We waited for a few minutes and Jack already finished his lollipop.

" Jack Y/n L/n room 6 " i hear the speaker said.

I stood up as i carry Jack on the side of his waist and walk to room 6 with Gene.

" so, Jack Y/n L/n, sit over there please " the doctor gesture her hand to the chair next to a table, which have sorts of surgery items.

Jack whimpers.

" it's okay " i said.

Gene sits down on the chair and i pass Jack to him, letting Jack sit on his lap.

" don't worry Jack, we're just gonna take the cast off, it won't hurt " the doctor looks at him as she sit down infront of Gene.

" put your hand here " she tap her finger on the white table.

" no!, it'll huwrt! " Jack whines.

" it won't, the cast is very hard, you won't feel it " i said.

Gene place Jack's hand on the table and Jack shuts his eyes tightly. The doctor started cutting the cast into half using the small circular saw. When it was almost through, she use a tool and separate the cast.

It made a crunchy sound and took off the cast. She clean the dust off his hand and turn his hand to see the stitches.

" it's completely healed so I'll take the stitches off " she said and grab a small scissor.

" is wit done? " Jack asked, still with his eyes shut tightly and Gene still holding his waist.

" almost " Gene said.

The doctor cut off the wire thread and use a scalpel to pull out the thread.

" and your done " the doctor sarcastically said and wipe his hand with a wet towel.

Jack slowly open his eyes and look at his hand. The doctor gave him a lollipop and he grabs it as he stuck it into his mouth and giggled. Gene and i chuckled.

" now say thank you " Gene said.

" thwank ywu! " he cheers.

" let's go " i said.

Life Nurture | Book 2【Gene X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now