"Store..." Jackson finishes as he looks over at Namjoon in shock. "What was that for?" Jackson asks, his eyebrows furrowing.

"I don't want you touching him. I know how you are, Jackson. Jin is my boyfriend, mine. Don't even think of trying anything or I won't be nice about it anymore."  

I looked up at Namjoon, shocked and confused. I had no idea what he was talking about.

Jackson looked a bit taken back before his face flattened into pure un-amusement. "You never let that go, do you? Grow up, Namjoon."  

I blink, very lost on what was happening. "It was my crab, Jackson! I won't let you take away another thing of mine. So stop being so touchy with him before I break you." Namjoon huffs as he grabs my arm, pulling me into his chest.

"This is about a crab?" I ask, dumbfounded. "He always takes things that are mine, ever since we were kids." Namjoon says, making a face over at Jackson who makes one back.

They really were still little kids.  

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jackson says and before Namjoon can snap back I place my hand on his chest, catching his attention. 

"It's fine, okay. Just relax." I say and Namjoon huffs as he nods, leaning down and pecking my lips. 

My heart fluttered at his action as I smiled up at him. He was too cute for his own good.

"Lets just go in so we can go home faster." Namjoon then says as he motions Jackson to go inside the building. 

"It's still his favorite." Jackson chuckles as he heads inside. Grinning, I follow.


After we all ate, Namjoon and I separated ways from Jackson and luckily, Namjoon seemed a lot happier.

As we arrived at Namjoon's he smiled widely, his dimples appearing from his cheeks.

"My parents are here!" I instantly felt nervous once he said it.

"I want you to meet them." He says as he takes my hand, pulling me to the door.

Before we enter, I stop him. "Do they know you're into guys? What if they-" But Namjoon shakes his head, stopping me.

"My parents are very understanding people. As long as I'm happy, they're happy. Trust me." Namjoon smiles. 

I nod slowly as I let Namjoon guide me inside.

Once inside I'm faced with the smell of food, causing my mouth to water instantly.  

"I knew you were home. Welcome back, sweetheart!" A lady I'm assuming is Namjoon's mother says as she hugs him tightly. 

When he pulls back, she looks over at me and smiles. "And who is this?" She asks.

Namjoon smiles as he speaks. "There's something I need to tell you. Is dad here?" Namjoon asks.

"He is, why? Is it important?" She asks, looking worried. Namjoon nods and his mother calls for her husband. 

As soon as Namjoon's dad walked into the living room I felt that much more nervous.  

"Mom, Dad, I have something I have to tell you." Namjoon starts as he glances over at me. 

I was definitely more nervous than Namjoon was right now. 

What if his parents didn't accept us and wanted us to break up? I didn't want to lose Namjoon.

"What is it, son?" Namjoon's father asks, his head tilted slightly to the side. 

"Well, when I was at summer camp I ended up meting Jin, aka, this guy." Namjoon starts as he motions over to me.

Both of them look at me, smiling. 

"After that, we got placed in a dorm together at college. From there, a lot happened. What I'm trying to say is, Jin is my boyfriend. We're dating." Namjoon says. 

I felt my heartbeat quicken as Namjoon stood, calm and collected, not a drop of nervousness to be found.  

His parents were silent, Neither of them said a thing. 

My stomach turned as the room stayed quite for what felt like forever.


"How cute!" Someone yells, causing all of our heads to turn.

"Kyungmin, you're home?" Namjoon asked, smiling slightly. "Yeah and this shit is adorable! How long have you two been dating?" The girl asks, attacking Namjoon in a hug. 

"Not that long." Namjoon says before he turns to me. "Jin, this is my sister Kyungmin." He says.

"Nice to meet you." I say and she smiles and throws her arms around me, hugging me tightly. 

"Welcome to the family. I support it 101%" She says and I can't help but to smile at her words.

"We do too. It's a bit sudden but you know we love you no matter what, Son." Namjoon's father says and Namjoon smiles widely.  

"I knew you guys would. Jin is great. I really like him so I'm glad you guys do too." Namjoon says and my heart flutters.

Now I couldn't stop smiling. Seeing Namjoon this happy and accepted by everyone made me feel on top of the world.  

"Now, who's hungry?"

Namjoon smiled as he pulled me into his side and guided me over to the dining room table. 

Looking around at everyone, I couldn't help but feel happy. 

I just hoped my family would accepted us too... 


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