Part 2

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and said " are you ok jade are you hurt, when i found you you were Unconscious in a river."

I said " im fine but i don't remember anything but my name i'm sorry i can't tell you anymore how long was i out for " he said " about two days why and the close you are in seem way to big would you like it if i mended them for you."

He came up and he smiled and said" do u want to travel with me to the salving rivers to get your lost memories back ." i smiled and said "i don't want to be a berdin " and i got of the ground he was at least a foot taller than me and he was write my Close were way to bagy and big i asked him " do you have and smoller close that i could barrow" . He started to rummage in a bag and found a purple turtleneck shirt with black pants and he said " here u go u can go change in my tent " i went to go to his small tent and took of my shirt and found hundreds of scars on my body and then put on the pants and then the shirt but it was a bit to big still but it was fine.

He said " you look good in those jade " he smiled i turned red for some reason but i did not now why. While me and leo were talking about how long it would take to go to the salving rivers my mother was casting a spell a very evil spell she said " tomorrow is my son's 13 birthday i can finally become the most power full druide queen in the whole world just buy ripping the dragon essence out of my waste of space son .

The guard came running in the room and said " mistress prince jade has ran away because that witch boy you said for him to break up with had cursed jade to be ugly forever that is why he has ran away " the queen said " do you know my name my name is madison black hart the first woman to ever to conjure the element of death." the guard was practically shaking in his boot " my dear sister i have told you to behave 

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