Gone with the wind

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Elias's POV

I glanced over to sky then back at the dragon. It's tail grew spikes and swung at me. I dodged the attack and slid over to a sword next to the door. I grabbed it and my eyes turned black. Markings on my arm formed and I felt a rush of power flow threw my body. Smirking I ran at the dragon. Gripping the sword it turned black and lava formed in the blade.

The dragon swung and me and I dodged but it's claw cut my cheek.

"Bitch ass." I Said to the dragon and stabbed my sword in its gut

The lava from the sword spread throughout the dragons body. It roared in pain and turned to stone and exploded.

I jumped out of the way rolling over and slid against the wall.

"ELIAS!" Ari screamed and ran over to me

"I'm good Ari." I grunted

I got up to meet a wave of nausea and leaned against the wall. I looked over to see Ria helping sky up. Her stomach was wrapped and her leg was damaged. I walked over to them and wrapped my arms around sky's waist and kissed her. I then broke the kiss and leaned to her ear.

"Don't you dare put yourself in danger for us again." I whispered in her and she nodded and I hugged her.

"Ahem!" Damian coughed and I let go

"Hey baby girl are you ok?" He Said walked up to her

"Yea." She said in a dry voice

"We will get you to a doc ok." He Said and she nodded

"Now let's get up to the surface so I can kick Drakes ass." I Said

"How are we gonna get sky up?" Nova asked

"I will carry her princess don't worry." The wolf that was fighting the dragon said

"Who are you?" I asked

"My name is Titanium." The wolf said

-Time Skip-

We got to the surface and went to the building. We walked into the room where we were tied up. In the back stood Drake and his father. I narrowed my eyes and they went black again and the marks appeared. I grabbed the sword from my back and ran and drake. He only smirked and right as I was about to stab him he vanished and appeared behind me.

"To slow." He Said

I growled and swung the sword around not for it to be blocked. The marks on my arm turned a reddish color and started to sting but I felt more powerful. Whatever that thing from the long did gave me this power and it feels great.

"You gonna do something for are you just gonna waste my time." Drake Said and I growled

"Look Koran you messed with my family and I don't like that at all so get ready for this sword to go right through your gut." I spat at him and he just laughed

"You can try but all you'll get is your head mounted to the back wall." Drake Said

"You bitch." Sky hissed

"What I'm sorry I cant here you over the voices in my head saying that the girl with a shattered leg and cut up stomach is just plain stupid. I mean you would Think I would spend the time to teach a princess who wants power and skills and who is to dumb enough to see when someone likes them." Drake Said and she growled

He walked up to her and lifted up her head forcing her to look at him. She spat blood in his face and he punched her in the stomach sending her to the ground screaming and holding her stomach. I growled and ran at him grabbing him by his neck and slamming him in the wall.

That Was Then And This is NowNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ