A New World! The City Of Kenia

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"So this is it." I say as we walk up to a huge gate thats covered in thrones and dead vines.

" yep this is it." Ri said

"Alright you two let's go." Drake Said and walked up to the gate and touched it with his hand

The gate glowed and then burst into a billion golden pieces of dust. We walked through the now open walkway and once we got to the other side the gate reappeared behind us in all it's dead glory.

"Sometimes magic scares me." I say shivering

We walk along a path that's all broken but as we kept walking I saw that it became more and more stable and fixed. When we get to the end of the road we come upon a huge city full of color.

"Ughhhh I think my eyes are dying." I say and they both chuckle

"What is this place?" Ri asks

"This is the city of Kenia. Legend says that Kenia was a princess that fought in a deadly battle and died. 100 years later Kenia was reborn into a goddess and created this city. Problem is, is that every person I know that has gone in that city has never ever come out." Drake Said and me and ri just stared at the city

"Way to lighten the mood." I say and he shrugs

"Let's just go I mean we are here for adventure right, so let's go find some." I Said and start walking to the city

We walk in the city to see no one in sight. All the streets, houses, gardens, restaurants, everything was just bare.

"It's like nobody's been here for decades." Ri said and I nodded

"Maybe we will find something or someone in there." I say and point to a tall tower

Once we got to the tower we saw a elevator and a sign beside it that said battle tower open every Saturday.

"Well that's today let's go see." Drake Said and got in the elevator

We got to the top and I looked out the window to see how high we are and we were pretty high.

"C-c-can w-w-we h-hurry t-this u-u-u-up." Ri said

"I forgot you were afraid of heights my bad." I say and she just glared

"I-I'm not a-a-afraid of t-t-them." She said

"Yea yea whatever" I say

"Guys come look at this." Drake Said from a door across the hall

We walked in the room and froze completely. A ginormous arena was there filled with people in every seat. Pillars were supporting the seats. The railing were made of crystal and so were the seats. The floor was what looked like to be clouds. There was a floating stand in the middle with a desk, two chairs, and a BIG tv screen that looked to project whatever went on in the arena.

"This is incredible!" I Said

"You got that right." Drake Said

"Ahhhh what do we have here!" I voice from the stand said

He had long silver hair that was tied into a ponytail. He wore and battle outfit that was beyond what I had ever seen. It had a silver chest plate with crystals on it. The pants were a leathery fabric that was black and also had crystals on them. His shoes were long boots that were silver with a star shape and the top. He had two swords that were silver and curved and spiked.

"I'm shade and who might you be." The man now named shade said

"I'm Skylar and this is my sister Austria and my friend Drake." I Said point to the two

"Might I ask what this place is?" Drake Said

"This is the arena of Kenia. We have a battle here and sacrifice a soul to the queen each Saturday and you miss are the lucky one." Shade said pointing to me

"Pftttt Hahahahahahhaha. You must be joking." I Said

"Do I look like I am." Shade Said with a serious look on his face

"If you would follow me to the dressing rooms to get you some armor and your friends can go find a seat." He Said and grabbed my arm pulling me alone with him

We walked to a door. He opened it revealing a large room full of armor of all kinds and weapons of every kind.

"Get ready in here and come out when you are done to meet your challenge." Shade Said and walked out

I walked around the room looking at the different kinds of armor. I picked up a armored chest plate and found a leotard. Then I found a pair of leathered shorts and a open front skirt. I picked up a pare of boots just like shades except they were gold. Last I grabbed a cape.


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(I MADE THIS ALL BY MYSELF. I'm pretty happy with it to. Let me know if I should make more.
P.S. I didn't create the designs of the parts just the outfit.

I grabbed a pair of swords that had purple handles and sharpened the blades.

"Ok let's do this." I Said to myself and headed out to the arena


CLIFFHANGERRRRRR. That's all I got for you for this chapter. I hoped you liked and stay tuned for the next one. Peaceeeeeee

That Was Then And This is NowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora