Change For The Better Or Worse.....

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Skyler's POV

I walked out of the room to be slammed into the wall. I looked around to see everyone on the ground except Elias who was holding me against the wall. His eyes were red and he had fangs.

"W-What." I Said

"Look what you did to me!" He Said in a raspy voice

"Eli I didn't do any-." I Said But was caught off by him biting my neck

He bit me three times taking blood. His arms were covered in markings that looked like they were burning and instead of black they were changing to a orangey color.

"Stop please!" I yelled but he put a cloth in my mouth

"This is all your fault!" He yelled

He bit me again and this time it was harder then the last. I grabbed a needle from my pocket and injected it in his arm but then I blacked out.

Nobody's POV

Skyler fell to the ground and Elias took the needle out of his arm. Little did he know that She had put a substance in him to make any powers shut off.

He stumbled and landed on one of the beds. His markings shrunk and went back to there original state. His eyes went back to there silvery grey/blue color.

He laid there for a minute trying to process what had happened. He looked in the direction of his friends well most of them on the floor. Then he turned to the blond. His thoughts raised as he remembered that night when the figure bit his arm.

"Her blood must have gotten into the bite." He thought

He got up and moved her hair out of the way and looked at her bloody neck. His fists balled up and he punched the wall cracking the surface.

His hands shook as he picked her up and laid her in the bed. He walked into the bathroom and grabbed a cloth and some Healing cream. He walked back into the room and cleaned the wounds. Then he rubbed the cream on. He ripped some of his shirt off and wrapped it around the wounds making sure not to choke her.

He heard a shuffle and looked up to see Drake standing there with a smirk on his face. Drake Grabbed Elias by the neck and slammed him in the wall.

"Look what the little human did." Drake Said

"Look demon ass get your hands off me." Elias Said

Drake moved so that he was But Elias's ear.

"If you lay another hand on her I will rip you limb from limb till there's nothing left of you understand." Drake Said

"How about if you get off I won't hurt you right here and now. Just because your some demon boy who thinks he's the best doesn't mean you can act all high and mighty so he the hell away from me" Elias Said

Drake let go and Elias rubbed his neck.

"WHAT THE HELL!" A voice Said and Elias spun around to see Ria

She stormed over to him and slapped him.

"What did you do! Humans just don't grow fangs!" She yelled

"Well what about this. What if I'm not a human anymore." Elias said







That Was Then And This is Nowحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن