Chapter 31: New day

Start from the beginning

"And the cake is in black and white! Diamond are you evening listening?!" Frank caught me. Tom and Alex start laughing at me.

"Listen Frank. This is my fourth wedding. I really don't care. To me it isn't about the decor, or the flowers. It's about the fact I'm promising the man I love that I will be faithful, loyal, honest, and caring to him the rest of my life and him to me. The rest is unnecessary."

"Awe, that is so sweet and romantic. However, you are marrying Roman Luvano honey! You have to have a big blowout wedding!" Ugh! He never gives up.

"D, what do you think about this?"

Bella walks out in a simple black dress. It has an empire waist, its mid thigh length. It comes up high in the front and back. And its sleeveless.

"How do you feel in it Bella?" She is twirling, and can't stop touching it.

"I love it. It makes me feel pretty, and fun!" She is like a little doll.

"That's too plain! We are going extravagant here people." Frank tries to input.

"You can wear this with it."

I put a small pearl necklace on Bella.

"D! Where did these come from?"

"They are mine. I have had them since I was 4. You can borrow them for the wedding. They aren't real, but they are very special to me."

"D, I don't know what to say. Thank you!" She grabs me in a big hug. Crying.

Tom and Alex are glaring down Frank.

"Well I guess simple is in, so I can make this work." Frank rolls his eyes.

"Diamond wants simple. Keep that in mind, or I'll set you straight." Tom threatens Frank. Frank seems scared, of Tom.

"Simple, got it."

"Frank, I think she looks like Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's don't you? Get her some long black gloves, and some black heels. We'll do her hair up. Oh it will be perfect."

"Girl! I see it! Oh that's perfect! I like this simple idea! I can work with this."

"D, who is Audrey Hepburn, and what Breakfast at Tiffany's?" I start laughing at Bella.

"Oh sweet girl. We are watching Breakfast at Tiffany's while we get our nails done."

"Roman, who was at the door?"

"Its my cousin Dante. He came to see how you are doing after the kidnapping. It was odd, he never cared before."

That makes me wonder why he was really here. Hhhmmm

"What are you thinking Dia?"

I can't tell him just yet what I'm thinking. Maybe I'm being paranoid. I'll talk to Tom first. Maybe go see him at the club.

"I was thinking about going to see how the girls are doing at the club, and see Tom tonight. That okay?"

Roman gives me a look, he knows that wasn't what I was thinking, but doesn't push.

"That's fine, but Alex is going with you."

"Can he follow, I don't think he wants to ride Bitch on the bike." Alex pops his head around the corner

"No I don't! I'll ride mine, thank you very much!" Alex says. I start laughing.

"Fine, you two have fun!"

"Will you be quiet! I'm trying to watch this movie!" Bella has been sucked in by Audrey Hepburn.

Today has been good. Bella was right, I just needed to get out of the house. Get pampered a little, laugh, relax, have fun.

Finally, after getting our nails done, I got Bella to sleep. Alex and I left on the bikes to go see Tom.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing here? Not that I'm not glad to see you!" Tom came over to me, and hugged me.

"Is that Diamond? Oh my God girls, Diamond is back!" All the girls start screaming and running to me. It was rehearsal night, the club closes early, and I knew I would have a chance to talk to Tom.

After checking in with the girls i talk to Tom.

"Tom, i need to seriously talk to you. What do you know about Dante?"

"Well he is Randall's nephew. Well, bastard nephew. He is the son of Roman's uncle and a maid. He has always thought that since he was born before Roman, he she have the title of Don. He has tried to get rid of Roman as Don a couple times. Made accusations and such. Never anything extreme enough to get kicked out of the family."

"Do you think that he will ever try?"

"Well with Roman getting marries to you, and you being the kind of person you are, if something happened to Roman, you would step up, until your child was 18. I'd you didn't have a child, then you would step up, until RJ's child was 18, and then he would take the title."

"What if Roman and I had a child, and something happened to us, but the child wasn't 18?"

"Then RJ or the guardian of the child would take the title, until the child was 18. Whybare you asking all this?"

"Tom, I think Dante has a plan.  You know how I get feelings? Well I think after Roman and I announce we are pregnant, Dante will kidnap me, until the baby is born. He will force us to sign over guardianship to him, and then kill us. He will make it look like someone else though." Tom's eyes went wide.

"What's your plan sweetheart." I love that he never questions me. I love it.

"One, no one is to ever speak about the fact I cannot carry my own children. Two, once we announce it Roman and I will plan to go away for the pregnancy. Three we send our surrogate to a safe house, at an undisclosed location, where only certain people know the location. Four, We plan a way to make him get caught, so we can do away with him."

"That works. Have you told Roman?" I shook my head.

"I'm afraid I'm being paranoid, but I'm afraid Dante put bugs in the house. I don't want to talk about it there. That's why I came to you." Tom smiles.

"Sounds like it's time for the exterminator to come." He winks at me. It puts me at ease.

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