Chapter 30: Talking and nightmares

Start from the beginning

"Sweetheart. Flinching to me? They got you good, didn't they?" Tom knew, I don't flinch to people's touch. I pin them to a wall or break their arm.

Roman's POV:

Tom is talking to Dia. I'm outside listening. I'm angry at myself for not protecting them better. She had just let me in, and now this happened. She can't catch a break. It's like the universe just can't let her have a break. He raped her, and forced her to act like she enjoyed it. She did it to protect Isa.

"Diamond? May I come in?"

"Sure, why not." She sounds aggravated.

"How you doing?" I don't know what to say.

"Like I want to hole up in this room, and not go anywhere or see anyone for the rest of my life. I'm in pain, and hungry. Oh top it off, I did something today, I would never ever do in all my life, and hate myself for it. Other than that, I'm peachy!" She is angry atbherseld for taking the pill. I told doc there was a chance she might need it.

"D?" Isa calls.

"D! I just, I just" Dia opens her arms, and Isa dives in. It's like Isa can't get into Dia's arms enough. Even though Dia is smaller than than Isa, Isa is curled up in Dia's arms.

"I can't be in my room alone. I had to know you were okay."

"I'm fine Bella. Promise. See Roman is with me. The doc just checked me out, and did I'm fine. Have you eaten?" She is like a totally different person. She is calm and soothing to Isa. Isa shakes her head no.

"Let's go get some food. I haven't eaten either." She let's go of Isa, and takes her hand.

"You coming Roman?" She stopped by the door, and  looked back.

After eating, Dia and Isa went back to Dia's room to sleep. latIt's late, and they are tired. I'm going to my room, when I hear crying from Diamond's.

"No, please. I swear I'll do anything just don't hurt her." Dia's room is open and the lights are off.  Except her bathroom light. I can see that Dia and Isa are sleeping, but Dia is crying and sweating. She is curled up in a ball.

"Please stop, don't hurt her." I rush to Dia.

"Diamond. Mia cara. Wake up it's a dream. Please baby wake up." I am careful of her back, but hold her.

"Where's Bella? Is she okay? Please tell me she is safe!"

"Isa is fine, she is asleep right there. See?" Diamond turns and sees Isa. She calms down, but is still breathing fast. She grabs a hold of me.

"Roman, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should have done more. I should have gotten us out. It was a metal room, metal door, I couldn't break us out. They wouldn't take us out at the same time. They told me if I fought back they would hurt her. I couldn't risk her being hurt. As long as I did as I was told, she was fed, and unharmed. I'm so sorry." She cried, into my shoulder.

"Diamond, you protected her. You kept her safe. You did everything you could. I'm sorry I didn't keep this from happening. I broke my promise to you." I started crying.

"Roman, you didn't he wasn't after me. He wanted Bella. When he took her, I surprised them, by being in the bathroom with her. He was going to make her his bride when we got to New York." She stopped crying. And looked at me. My Diamond kept my sister from being forced into a marriage. She kept her safe.

"Mia cara, you are amazing. You know that?" I kissed her forehead.

"Will will you sleep with us? Please?" She asks like it wouldn't be my pleasure. I nod.

"D? Can you sing to me? I can't sleep without you singing to me?" Isa was awake.

"Yes sweet girl. Come here." Diamond took Isa in her arms.

"All the chisels I've dulled carving idols of stone. That have crumbled like sand neath waves. I've recklessly built all my dreams in the sand, just to watch them all wash away. Through another day, another trial, another chance to reconcile to the One who sees past all I seen. And reaching my weary hand I pray that You'd understand You're the only one who's faithful to me. All the pennies I've wasted in my wishing well I've thrown like stones to the sea. I have cast my lots, dropped my guard, searched aimlessly for a faith to be faithful to me. Through another day another trial another chance to reconcile to the One who sees past all I've seen. And reaching out my weary hand I pray that You'd understand Your the only one who's been faithful to me. Your the only one who's been faithful to me." (Faithful to me, bu Jennifer Knapp)

Diamond sang. It wasn't the best, but it was emotion filled. She sang it again. And Isa started snoring.

"How do you know that song?" I whispered to her.

"My mom sang it to me when I was little. I sing it to myself when I am afraid, and I sang it to my step son, with my second husband. I'll sing it to my kids too." She snuggled down, up against my chest, with her back. She started silently singing the lyrics again. Until she fell asleep.

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