Strangely, Brainy ran out of the hologram room, yelling, "Director Danvers! You need to come now."

As Alex went into the room, she saw something, no someone. Kara was standing there. Supergirl was standing there. She rushed forward, wanting to hit her sister on the shoulder when she fell. "Director Danvers?  She is a hologram. I don't understand how..."

"Alex? It's me, Kara! I'm in the 31st century with Winn and Mon-El!"


Kara had managed to access the communication room in the Legion base, and had gotten through to Alex. Excitedly, Kara exclaimed, "Alex? It's me, Kara! I'm in the 31st century with Winn and Mon-El!"

Back to Alex...

Alex stared at the hologram, baffled, "Kara? How-"

"I don't know! I was out for a fly early one morning and got hit -"

Suddenly, the hologram buzzed and vanished. Alex took a deep breath, "Kara? Kara!" Kara's hologram was no longer there. What happened? She knew that she was wide awake, but pinched herself to be sure. Kara, in the 31st century? That has to be a joke.

Alex breathed. She missed her alien sister dearly. A tear rolled off her cheek and she instantly wiped it away, trying to convince herself that she had imagined Kara being there, like she dreamed that Maggie was with her last time. She had to be strong. For herself. For Maggie. For Kara.

Later that night...

Alex was in Kara's loft, munching on some chocolates. She had never felt more alone in her life. Everything seemed to be going wrong for her, as if the universe hated her. The fact that the chocolates were in mini hearts were not helping either. And if it were true, Kara was spending time with Mon-El.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Alex glanced at the clock. It was only 8.00. Was Lucy already here? She closed the box of chocolates, placing it back into the refrigerator, before she took a few steps towards the door, pulling it open.

"Hey Danvers..."

Alex's face dropped.


Kara was frustrated. She did not know how to use the functions and buttons in the communication room. It was all Greek to her.

"Trying something without approval?"

Kara turned. Of course, her attacker was standing there. She looked at him incredulously, "No, I was trying to use this 'thing' to connect to Alex telepathically."

"I turned it off," Mon-El told her, "You may end up breaking something."

"Breaking something?"

"Yes! You have super-strength! 'Supergirl'!"

"Ugh! What do you want? First you attack me then mock me? Who do you think you are?"

"I am Mon-El! Leader of the Legionnaires and you have to listen to me!"

"Looks like some things never change with the almighty 'Prince of Daxam'..."

Our Future [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now