Chapter 2: The Disruption

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Kara flew above the night sky. Was it true? Could she really communicate with Mon-El?

Kara soared high into space, where she felt that something was wrong. Despite being an alien and being able to breathe in space, she sensed something wrong. Flying past asteroids and planets, Kara soon felt tired and she quickly regretted not taking a ship or her pod with her.

Suddenly, her ears were filled with a whirring noise. Was that it? The grip around her Cache Crystals tightened as she flew towards the direction of the sound.

She stopped abruptly, what did Mon-El tell her in her dream? Right, that it was difficult to see. Kara, sure that she had reached where the disruption was, reached out her Cache Crystals and released it. Nothing. It just hovered there, just as Kara opened her palm to retrieve them, she was hit. A pain shot from the back of her head and a blinding white light...

-31st Century-

Mon-El had just saved more people from Blight's clutches, when he received a radio from Winn, "Hey Mon-El, don't know if you need to know this, but, uhhhm..."

"What is it, Winn?" Mon-El asked.

"Weeell, there is something approaching Earth. Like, like an asteroid or something," Winn answered.

"I'm on it," Mon-El took off, his mind seemingly wandered off. Kara, he thought, I miss you.

He saw something entering the atmosphere. It wasn't an asteroid, he realised, it looks like a person!

Immediately, he flew over, catching the figure in his arms. Her skin was freezing against his and he felt something familiar. It was her hair, no, her face. He was taken aback by the beautiful girl in his arms, Kara Danvers, or Supergirl.

He went with his first instinct - to bring Kara back to the Legion Base.

As soon as Mon-El walked in, Mon-El ran up to him, trying to embrace him, "Mon-El! My man! Did you stop the asteroid thing?"

"Actually, Winn, it wasn't an asteroid," Mon-El said, laying Kara down on a table, "It was Supergirl."

Winn stared at her body in shock. She looked exactly the same as when he left the 21st century to join the Legion.

"But... how...?" Winn started. Mon-El shrugged, "Don't know. She fell out of the sky, as if she was hit. She's unconscious."

Hours later, Kara's eyes opened, scanning her unfamiliar surroundings. She sat up and steadied herself, mumbling, "Where am I? What is this place?"

Just then, Winn walked into the room. "Winn?!" A familiar voice emanated from deeper within.

He walked in, thinking that his mind was playing tricks on him. When he glanced at the blond-haired girl sitting on his tabletop, he groaned, "I forgot."

Kara looked confused, "Where am I? I thought you had gone with Mon-El. This cannot be real. Wait, is it? I don't know this place. Wait a minute... is this the 31st century?!"

Winn put a hand on Kara's shoulder, "Calm down, Kara, take deep breaths."

Then, Mon-El walked into the room, and Kara looked at him, "Mon-El? Okay, this is definitely the 31st century."

Kara looked around, taking in her surroundings. It was sparkly clean, with white walls, the opposite of the D.E.O.'s base.

"This place just looks like the cruiser. Can I see what National City looks like now?" Kara sounded excited.

"I… don't… think-" Winn started, but Kara had already flown out. Staring at the state of her city, she wrinkled her nose. "I thought we defeated Reign, Pestilence and Purity," Winn asked.

"We did, but somehow or other, she came back from the dead," Kara explained.

"Ahem," Mon-El cleared his throat, "Kara, your cousin's here."

Whipping around, Kara saw her cousin, Kal-El, Clark Kent, or as he is better known as, Superman, flying into the Legion headquarters, "Kara! You look… young."

She looked at her cousin, he had grown a small goatee, but his hair was still jet black. "It's been years, how are you still so young?" Superman asked, stroking her hair.

"How long has it been?" Kara looked at him. Superman sighed, "12,000 plus years since I last saw you in National City. Now you return, without warning?"

"Did Alex not tell you?" Kara's voice was filled with worry. Her cousin nodded, "She mentioned it."

Just then, a boy that looked like her cousin flew in, "Hey, bro, what's up!" Kara looked at him suspiciously, "Who's this, Kal?"

"This is Kon-El, otherwise known as Conner Kent, people address him as Superboy and he's… my clone," Superman mumbled that last part, forgetting who he was speaking to.

"Clone? Wait… why are you in National City? Shouldn't you be in Smallville or Metropolis or something?" Kara questioned.

"Smallville's gone, destroyed, Martha Kent and Eliza Danvers and…" Superman hesitated. "And what? What's wrong, Kal?" Kara pushed further.

"And… well… Alex, while waiting for you," Superman looked down, "She wanted me to tell you, in case I ever saw you again, that she got back together with a Maggie Sawyers."

Kara felt proud, her sister back with her girlfriend. Superman said, "Metropolis is gone too, taken by the Blight. I lost Lois there. Lucy died, too."

Kara sighed, "Well, now I guess it's my turn to tell you about my arrival."

Our Future [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora