Chapter 1: Kara's Dream

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"My name is Kara Zor-El. I'm from Krypton. I'm a refugee on this planet. I was sent to Earth to protect my cousin, but my pod got knocked off-course and by the time I got here, my cousin had already grown up and become Superman! I hid who I really was, until one day, when an accident forced me to reveal myself to the world. To most people, I'm a reporter at CatCo. Worldwide Media, but in secret, I work with my adopted sister for the D.E.O. to protect my city from alien life and anyone else that means to cause it harm.
I am... Supergirl!"

Kara closed her eyes, as she was floating in midair in her Supergirl costume. She smiled as she breathed in the morning air, remembering what the 'S' on her top stood for: Stronger Together, her family, the House of El's coat-of-arms. Then, a man came up to her, pressing his lips to hers instantly. When they pulled away, Kara saw something familiar in his eyes. The shimmer of love. She grinned as she caressed her first alien ex-boyfriend's cheek.

"How's my beautiful Kryptonian princess?" The Daxamite prince asked in his soothing voice. Kara smiled, "I'm doing very well, my handsome Daxamite prince."

Wait, Kara thought, he left, then how is he here? This cannot be real!

Mon-El leaned in for a kiss, and although Kara's mind told her no, she pressed her lips against his, enjoying his scent.

Just as she was about to pull away, her heard a loud beeping noise. Looking at Mon-El, her vision started to cloud. He smiled at her as he held her hand, "Wake up, Kara, wake up!" Then, the silhouette faded away.

Her eyes flew open. Was that really a dream? Alex was shaking her, "Kara, wake up! Do you wanna be late to CatCo.?"

The reporter cursed inwardly, how had she forgotten about letting Alex stay over? Her sister had asked if it was okay to stay at Kara's loft for a week or two as her home was under renovation.

Kara sighed. She knew that Alex was only staying with her to get her mind of her ex-girlfriend, Maggie Sawyers. Kara and Alex had both lost people they cared about. She knew that secretly, Alex wished to see Maggie again, but yet she didn't.

Kara leapt out of bed and dashed to the bathroom, "Gotta get outta my PJs!" She called out cheekily, which made her sister chuckle. Seconds later, Kara was in her usual work attire, and her hair up in a bun. She started out the door, but was stopped, "Wait Kara, you forgot something."

Kara turned around, pretending to groan like she did when she was younger, "What is it Alex?"

Alex laughed, picking up an object beside her, "Are you not blind without these?"

Kara smiled goofily, "Thanks, sis, wait a minute, where are you?" Alex handed Kara her lead-lined glasses, "Right here, sis."

After five minutes of goofing around, Kara took to the skies. She could hear people yelling, "Hey, look! It's Supergirl!"

She smiled proudly as she aimed for a bush and dropped into it. Running into the office, she saw James Olsen, or as her cousin calls him, Jimmy, talking and laughing with her best friend, Lena Luthor.

Aware that Lena had no idea she was Supergirl, someone who she had lost trust in, she looked up, "Hey, Lena! I thought you were staying at L-Corp today! What brings you here?"

Lena embraced Kara, "Hey, Kara. I wanted to see you, but Olsen said you were running a little late today. So I talked to him first."

Kara walked to the main office, where her boss, Catherine "Cat" Grant, used to work. Now, it was Lena's workspace when she visited. She sat on a sofa next to Lena, who looked at her, "Kara, I understand when you worked under Snapper Carr, you had many stories on Supergirl and the crimes she stopped."

"Yeeeah...?" Kara asked, unsure of where Lena was coming from. Was she gonna apologise? Wait, she was not Supergirl then, she was Kara.

"Weeell, Kara, I was hoping if you'd be able to ask Supergirl a few questions, seen by your connections with her too, and ask her to meet me. We need to talk," Lena cleared her throat. Kara frowned, but immediately agreed. Who knew Lena was so different? The way she acted towards Kara and the way she acted towards Supergirl was different. To Kara, Lena was warm and welcoming. However, to Supergirl, despite being friendly at first, Lena was now slightly hostile and unwilling.

Later that evening, Kara decided to go to L-Corp, and was immediately invited into Lena's office.

"Ma'am, Supergirl's here, do you want me to tell her to fly up here now?" Kara said in a joking voice.

"Why thank you, Kara, that would be much appreciated," Lena returned the joking sarcasm.

She left the room, quickly making a dash to the nearest bush, where she ripped her shirt, revealing her costume underneath. Floating up, she looked at Lena, and opened the door, "Miss Luthor, did you want me?"

"My, word does travel fast, doesn't it?" Lena looked at Supergirl, "I believe we need to talk."

Supergirl resisted the urge to smile at Lena, as she knew that Lena had Kryptonite and if she suspected anything, she was capable of using it.

"How's Sam?" Supergirl asked. Lena smirked, "Why do you care? You didn't approve of my methods," Lena shot back immediately. No matter how many times she had to alternate between Kara and Supergirl, it was very difficult to get used to Lena. Kara felt bad, Sam was also her best friend, but unlike Lena, she wanted to use a better method, one that does not involve the use of Kryptonite that Lena herself created.

"Well, I just wanted to update you. Sam is fine, but she has been going on and off. Reign is still trying to gain full control of her body. And one other thing, we caught Purity and turned her back into Julia, like we did with Sam," Lena informed her.

Supergirl opened her mouth to speak, and Lena snapped, "Don't you say anything about my methods."

Supergirl stood her ground, "No way, Lena, I'm not stopping you now. Just because we need to find the final Worldkiller, Pestilence. Apparently if we don't stop her, 12,000 years from now, she evolves into the Blight, something that kills everything in its path. We have found traces of Pestilence after her revival, but we haven't seen her yet."

"Truce?" Supergirl stuck her hand out.

Lena nodded, shaking the alien's hand, "Truce."

That night, Kara tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep. Alex was fast asleep, even snoring slightly. The Kryptonian walked to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water and gulping it down, before snuggling back into bed with her sister.

"Kara, why didn't you tell me you were Supergirl?" Lena asked, disappointment evident in her voice. Sam walked up to her, "Kara! My best friend is the superhero of National City!"

Then, Alex looked at her, "Hey, Kara! Look who it is, it's Maggie! We're back together!" Ruby, Sam's daughter, smiled at her, "Cool! Mum's best friend is Supergirl! I can work with that!"

Finally, she was pulled into a hug, "My sweet Kryptonian super, there is a way for us to communicate. You just have to find the disturbance, and place your Kryptonian Cache Crystals there. It should allow us to communicate, despite being thousands of years apart."

She relaxed in Mon-El's arms. He pulled her into a kiss, saying, "Be careful not to go too close. Also, make sure you find it. It is difficult to see."

Kara woke up with a start. Checking the alarm clock, she realised it was currently 1 a.m. in the morning.

Leaving a note for Alex saying that she had to fly somewhere and to inform the J'onn at the D.E.O., her cousin, Lena, the president and James, saying that she would be back by daylight. She grabbed some Cache Crystals from her bedside table (that she got from her pod) and soared high above National City.

Little did she know what she was in for...

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