under the stars

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I was walking back to the cabin with Joseph after supper when I saw a folded piece of paper in front of the cabin door with my name on it. My stomach flipped as i wondered, what it could be? I looked to see if anyone was in the hallway, when I was sure it was clear I picked up the piece of paper and ran inside. I opened the note and in messy handwriting it said,

"Dear Lily, I would like to see you again so meet me at my cabin at midnight,


P.S my cabin is number 34"

I was so excited, James wanted to see me again!

At 11:50 I got out of bed and made sure everyone was asleep. I got out of my night clothes and tried to do something with my hair but it didn't want to co-operate with me so I brushed it and left it down. It looked like a curly, blonde mop, but it would half to do. I looked one more time in the mirror to make sure I was proper and heading for cabin number 34. I waited outside his cabin like he told me to, I waited a few minutes before feeling a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw James towering over me, he grabbed my hand and led me to the same bench me and Joseph sat on the night before.Again the stars were beautiful.

James sat on the bench and patted beside him, telling me to sit down, so I did. We looked up at the stars for awhile then he said,"so, Lily why don't you tell me about yourself?" I hesitated to answer but eventually I told him about myself and my family, when I was done he told me about himself. He loves to run, he's faster then any of his friends and he plays the violin, like his dad who is in the Titanic band. We sat on the bench for hours but it felt like minutes, talking. Then a question I wanted to ask James popped into my head."James, how did you know which cabin was mine?" He looked away as if he was embarrassed, when he looked back, even in the dim light, I could slightly see that his cheeks were slightly pink." I followed you back to your cabin." "But you..." "I know,I walked away. I just followed the sound of your brothers wailing, I swear it was almost as loud as a fog horn." We laughed for awhile then his green eyes met my blue ones. He smiled showing perfect white teeth and dimples, making me blush, I looked away. "There's something still bothering me." "What's that?" "Why weren't you at any of the meals?" He smiled shyly, which turned into a devious grin. "Well, I missed breakfast because my mom was sick, she threw up everywhere, it was ghastly." "Gross! I don't need details."He chuckled "anyway, I took care of her this morning then I missed lunch because I was putting the note by your cabin. I knew you would find the note and I wanted to bother you. I wanted to make you wonder where I was, so I skipped supper, and in the process I made myself seem mysterious." I giggled "mysterious?" He laughed with me then I said,"your little plan didn't work because I didn't find the note until after supper." " But did you wonder where I was?" I looked away,"maybe." "It worked then." He laughed then leaned back into the bench and crossed his arms." I was also getting a surprise ready for you" he reached under the bench and pulled out a violin case, he took the instrument out and started playing the most beautiful song I ever heard. When he was done he put the violin back in its case then he looked at me and said,"I wrote that song a few years ago, your the only person I've shown." " You wrote that? Its so beautiful!" He looked at me and smiled, "But why haven't you played it for anybody else? Why did you play it for me?" Picking up his violin and of offering me his arm he said, "because it reminded me of you." I felt heat rising to my cheeks as I blushed.

James walked me back to my cabin, I said goodbye and quietly went inside. I crawled into bed and again, dreamt of James.

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