Chapter 2, Phantomhive Manor.

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"My name is Verena Phantomhive. I have come to see if the rumors are correct. Is my younger brother, Ciel Phantomhive, truly alive?"


The man gapes at me, clearly disbelieving of my words. 

"My master's older sister, unfortunately, perished the night of the fire three years ago. I highly doubt there is any truth to your words," he coldly affirms, keeping a steady hand on the door. 

"Please, you must let me see him. I managed to escape from the back door in the kitchen. The Milfords have graciously taken care of me these past years," I beg, exasperation clear in my voice. 

His crimson gaze upon me is hard. Though he tries to intimidate me, I stare him down with equal determination. I was not going to allow him to prevent me from seeing my brother.

"Follow me, Milady. I shall lead you to my master's study. If what you are saying is nothing more than fiction and deception, I promise the most severe punishments will be placed upon you. Am I clear?" He demands as he begins to widen the entrance. 

Tentatively, I take a small step and cross the threshold. "Crystal clear."

To my astonishment, the manor is completely restored to its former glory. Every painting takes its former place on the walls. The furnishings in the rooms are almost exact, with new styles here and there. We make a left past the staircase and stroll down the corridor before making a stop in front of a mahogany door. The butler raises a gloved hand and softly knockd twice.

"Young Master, a woman claiming to be your deceased sister currently requests an audience with you. Shall I escort her into your study?" The butler asks.

"Bloody Hell, how dare she impersonate Verena. Bring her in. I'd like to know what kind of sick person pretends to be my dead sister," he commands, anger laced in his voice.

The butler turns to me with a look in his eyes, as if he is attempting to tell  me this is my last chance before all Hell breaks loose. My confidence does not waver. I give him a nod, and the door opens.

I step inside. I am greeted with the scent of pastries and warm tea. Behind the oak desk, which is strewn with various papers and letters, is a sizable window overlooking the front of the estate. The desk itself is situated upon a plush, green carpet with golden embroideries. A small table is positioned next to the desk, along with a chair. 

"Your taste in decorations and furniture is still as bland as ever, Ciel," I tease.

He has yet to look up at me, but I can tell by the redness overtaking his ears that I have angered him even more.

"How dare you address me so casually, much less insult my taste in-"

Time stops. Ciel gazes at me with his right eye. His left eye is covered by a black patch, most likely because of an injury he sustained three years ago. His eye widens in surprise, and he drops the silver pen in his hand.

"Verena," he breathes out softly. "Is this reality? Is that truly you?"

Tears well up in my eyes. I cannot do anything to stop them from flowing. "It truly is me, brother."

I walk towards his desk and he gets up from his chair. We stare at each other for a few seconds before I wrap my arms around him in a hug. The hug breaks minutes later.

"You've grown," I say as I pat his head.  "I expect you'll be taller than me in no time."

Ciel gives a small smile. "Many things have changed these past three years."

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