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Full name: Bella Rose Skywalker
Nickname: Bells, Snowflake
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual, bi
Pronouns: She/her
Birthday: February 14
Zodiac: Aquarius ♒
Species: Winter Princess
Soul Gem: White Diamond
Weapon: Ice Bow
Color: White


Orgin: Bella was originally my screen name for a game called FishAO, and was the name of my fairy alter ego. When Frozen came out, I made Elsa her mother for an explanation for her powers. She gradually became a human instead of a fairy, and as I built who she was related to, her appearance changed as well.


About: Bella is the daughter of Elsa and Anakin Skywalker. She has 5 siblings: Yukina, Toya, Jayden, Luke, and Leiah.

When she was about 4, the Fire Kingdom attacked Arendell, because they heard the eldest princess was born with silver eyes.
Silver eyes are an emblem of great power, and Ice magic is already one of the 2 now powerful types of magic.

So, Bella was sent to the human world, hidden from the Fire Kingdom and even herself.
It took her 6 years to remember who she was. But, by the time she did, she had to watch her mother be incinerated right in front of her by a Fire Kingdom knight.

This gave Bella a paralyzing fear of fire, and a sort of hollowness. It takes a long time for her to open up to someone.

Bella didn't meet Luke and Leiah until she was 13, as they were not on the same planet as her. When they did meet, it took them about 2 weeks to figure out they were related to one another.

She has 4 children: Reika, Rikka, Aoi, and Suha. Their father is Gray Fullbuster. He met Bella just before she was reunited with her mother, and they were separated until she was 16.

She joined the Fairy Tail guild with him, where she met Natsu. It took longer for her to trust him, as he is a Fire Dragon Slayer.

She now is friends with all of them, and is getting along, slowly but surely.


Personality: Bella is typically quiet and self-kept, commonly seen as cold or ruthless during battle. She's antisocial for the most part, because of how unstable her magical abilities are.

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