TGWITL is very fast, knows his way with every weapon known to mankind and is never seen without his helmet and his hood. I once found myself fighting face to face with TGWITL, and instead of killing me the moment I fell off of Toothless, he helped me up, gave me a sword he found in the floor, being grasped by a dead foe, and then started to attack me. Now, it is not only pretty obvious that this warrior was an extraordinary swordsman, but the fact that I'm extraordinarily terrible with swords that are not raging with fire, this warrior put me back in the ground pretty easily. I tried to use the many tricks hidden in my armour, but no blade and no zippleback gas bomb was of any use against TGWITL, so I retreated slowly, without taking my gaze off of him, and rode Toothless far from the battle.

During this encounter I found out two more things about TGWITL: his eyes are dazzlingly blue with green aureoles, and he is a man of honor, because instead of straight off killing me cold-blooded when he had the chance, he gave me a weapon and made sure it was a fair match. He was more of a neutral warrior, considering he never helped the injured scots, he never dared to attack dragons and he always ran straight into the forest after a battle was done.

If anything mayor happens here, I'll be sure to write it.


The brown-haired chief closed the small notebook and sat in the cold blanket that he had laid in the floor of his tent. He looked around the brown circle marked by the fabric of his tent. There were all kinds of stuff around the grass floor: zippleback gas bombs, his fire sword that had been of no use during his last battle for he had forgotten it, his set of armour, about three replacements for Toothless' tail and other three prosthetic legs, and in one corner, above an uneven circle of burnt grass, laid asleep Toothless the dragon himself. Everything looked off through the dim light of the torch that Hiccup had been using to see in the dark.

It was late in the night, almost heading to be early in the morning, and every Viking was asleep in their own tents, scattered throughout the trees and bushes. Hiccup walked out of his own tent and through the layout of the others, needing some fresh air to clear his chaotic mind. He was the only one that didn't share a tent, being the chief, but the real decision-making always happened in the tent that Astrid, Eret and Valka shared. The young man walked for less than a minute when he found himself immobilized and with his mouth being cruelly grasped with a cold, white hand. His hands were tied and the stranger that had gotten him dragged him through the darkest part of the woods, making the Viking feel especially weak, for he had no chance to fight nor defend himself.

When they reached a clearing in the forest, surrounded by big, heavy rocks arranged in a circle, the stranger let Hiccup's mouth open and he took a deep, desperate breath. Soon after that, the other man untied his hands and sat him down in the middle of the circle. The Viking looked around and noticed that one of the gigantic rocks had fallen down, and underneath it, there was a pitch black paw, he supposed, of a bear.

The dark figure then sat down right in front of Hiccup, letting him understand that it was more of a meeting than a kidnap. The moon shone right atop of the rock circle and the silhouette of the man became clearer, so that Hiccup could recognize TGWITL sitting in front of him, his hood covering most of his head and body, but letting his blue greenish eyes sparkling in the dead of night. Hicc stared at him long enough until he realized the warrior had no intention of talking until the Viking had said something first, so he asked the first question that came to his mind.

"Are you The Greatest Warrior in the Land?"

The hooded man nodded, so that Haddock noticed this time he was not wearing his helmet, and that the only thing that prevented him from looking at the face of his enemy was the bare darkness and nothing else.

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