I feel bad for bringing unnecessary drama to her life and I feel even worse for the way I acted towards her when all she was doing was telling me how she felt. I knew that I owed her an apology and I'm going to start by getting her a Birthday gift and going to her party and if she wants me to leave then I will.

"Well fuck that, I'm buying her a gift and going to her party. So let's roll out" I said walking out not bothering to wait on a response from them.

"Man she gone kill us" I heard Tonio say before they both followed me out the door. We headed to the mall and I searched all over to find her the perfect gift. Not only was this gift for her birthday but also because I fucked up.

The next day we were standing outside building were Delondon was having her party. The building wasn't super big, but it was big enough and by the looks of it, it seemed that the party was much more than a small party. I couldn't help but wonder who put this together. Only because Delondon isn't big on parties. It had to be Jada or Amor behind this party. Since yesterday I have been thinking long and hard about how I would apologize to her. It's clear that she didn't want to speak to me, the past week I tried my best to apologize even after class.

"That's all for today class, so I guess that means you can go early" Professor Brinks said. "Also, no class the rest of the week. I'll email you an assignment.

"Yooooo Delondon, wait up" I said rushing out the door behind her. After the professor dismissed class she bolted out the door. Goddamn she's moving fast today. Right before she was able to bend the corner I caught on to her elbow. Part of me wish I hadn't though. She turned around swiftly and slapped me in my face. Luckily our class had been let out early, so it wasn't that many people out here.

"Ouch" I said but I still managed to keep my hold on to her elbow.

"Let me go, and don't make me tell you again" She said looking into my eyes. I stared back into her big brown eyes. They once held an innocence to them that I oddly found myself attracted to, but now at this moment they were cold. I stared at her for a moment and I could sense that she wasn't in the mood for my foolishness. So, I let her go and just like that she walked away, without even a glance.

"Alright bruh, there she goes and remember, we" Tonio said pointing back and forth between Keeb "didn't have shit to do with you being here. Just has he finished his statement Amber walked over to us.

"Antonio" she said with no emotion. "I know damn well you did not bring this nigga here" she said this time with a hint of disgust. She looked me up down with a frown. I lowkey was happy. Amber and Delondon are cool but they not that close, which Delondon had been talking about me which mean I been on her mind and I think that's a good thing.

"I'm just here to apologize, don't blame him, he tried to keep me from coming" I said to her before quickly walking away. I didn't want to hear what she had to say. The only person I came here to make things right with is Delondon. Only reason I walked away instead of saying anything else is because Tonio my homeboy and I didn't want to be arguing with his girlfriend.

Delondon was across the room taking shots. She looked good too. Baby girl had on a red dress that fit tightly, showing off every curve. Her sides and her back were out showing off her smooth milk chocolate like skin.

"Ayeee" she screamed after throwing a shot back. Good she looked like she was tipsy enough to remain calm when she saw.

I walked up to here and tapped her on her shoulder. The moment she turned around and saw me the look of disgust immediately made its way on to her face. Before she could say anything though I spoke. "Can we please talk" I said with pleading eyes. She stared at me for what seems like forever before she gave a little nod. She looked at the people she had been taking shots with and gave them a look. She led me to a small room. The music from the party could still be heard but it was quiet enough for us to talk.

Rolling her eyes and crossing her arms, she spoke. "Speak" she said looking at me in my eyes.

Damn when did her gaze get so intense, I lowkey felt myself becoming nervous under her gaze.

"Look De" I started but was quickly cut off.
"Delondon" she said rolling her eyes. "and hurry up, you got one ,minute"

"Ok, Delondon, first I would like to take the time to apologize to you. Not only am I sorry for putting you in a situation where other females thought it was ok to step to you on some disrespect but I'm also sorry at my lack reaction when you came to me about. I should have been more considerate of your feelings. I shouldn't have treated you like that or said those things that I said." I finished talking and her face had softened up a bit, however she wasn't dropping her complete mug.

"That's it" she asked.

"Yea that's it and I got you a birthday gift" I said handing her the gift bag that had been in my hand. Her eyes traveled down to it for first time. She was reluctant on whether she should take it but the curiosity got the best of her. She reached out her hand and took it.

She looked inside and look back up at me. The smile was threatening to show but she hid it well. "I know you fucking lying" she said looking back into the bag and this time letting her smile show. I laughed a little at her reaction. I had gotten her a whinny the pooh phone case and a one for her laptop.

"You remembered" she asked with a small smile.

"You was trying to buy one a few weeks ago but they were sold out" I said putting my hands in my pocket. I'm not sure why but I was beginging to become nervous.

"Those damn toddlers always beat me to it" she said causing us both to laugh.

"Oh and look" I said grabbing the case out the bag and pointing to bottom left of it.

She gasped, "You got them to my name on it" She looked at the gift for like the 4th time. "Thank you, Micah"

"No, problem. Happy Birthday" I said getting ready to walk away.

"Micah" she called out to me. "I accept your apology"

"You do" I asked. She nodded yes. "Is it because of the gift"

"No, your apology itself did the trick, I was just got be an asshole for a little while longer but then the gift changed my mind.

"Well now I can give you this" I reached into my pocket and pulled out the Pandora bracelet. I was saving just in case I was going to have to apologize later. She pulled me into a hug.

"You're lucky I'm so close to being drunk." We both laughed. "I forgive you but Micah, friends and nothing more" she said pulling out of the hug and reaching out her hand, so we could shake on it.

"That's cool with me, you're way too important to me and if being friends is what is going to keep you in my life, then its fine with me" I said shaking her hand.

"Ok enough of this mushy shit, it's my birthday and I deserve to be drunk off my ass" She said walking away and back out into the party. I could help but to stare at her ass as she walked away. Goddamn this just being friends thing might be hard. I most definitely should be up in that tonight giving her the good birthday strokes.

"Lord give me strength"








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