Chapter 1: Introduction

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"Mari, come downstairs, or else you're gonna be late for school!" I yell while hearing little footsteps running down the stairs.

"Sorry I was brushing my teeth." She says with a toothy grin.

"I'm glad you remembered to brush your teeth before and after breakfast you're becoming a big girl already." I say buckling herself in her car seat.

She smiles, dropping her backpack next to her. "Thanks Ems." My heart flutters at the nickname she gave me after what our mother used to call me.

I finish strapping her up, opening the driver door and sliding in my seat. I turn the key and the car starts up.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

"Alright Mari, make sure to behave and have fun, I'll be here to get you at 4:00 okay?" I say grabbing her backpack and putting it on her.

"Got it! Love you bye!" She says while letting go of my hand and running to the school.

I look down at my watch and see that's it's only 7:45. I sigh in relief, thank god school starts at 8:40. I jog into my car and hop in, starting the car and driving to school while blasting Run The Show by Kat DeLuna.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

I enter the school doors, feeling the cold air breezing past me. I don't understand why they make it cold in here when is below freezing outside.

I hold my jacket tighter to me, letting my brown, silky hair down from its long ponytail, letting it stop at my butt.

I look at my split ends, self note: get a hair cut. I head to my first period, as usual. I always go early because Mr.Paul is my most favorite teacher, I've had him since freshman year and now I'm a junior. He is like a father to me. Mr.Paul is the teacher for AVID, which is basically college preparatory.

"Sup bro." I say laughing slightly.

He raises his eyes from his computer, his smile growing bigger. I swear this man has never been sad, he's so full of joy everyday I've seen him.

"Hey Emi, hows Mari?" He asks typing away on his computer.

When my parents died in a brutal car crash, I had a choice to put Mari, my little sister up for adoption or take custody of her. I went to Mr.Paul and cried my eyes out, he offered that he would adopt her if I wanted that but I chose to keep her and ever since she's growing to be a smart girl.

"She's good, shes remembered to brush her teeth before and after breakfast now." I say with a small smile.

"That's great, you really are a great big sister. I'm sure she wouldn't want anyone else." He says grabbing some papers from his desk while I take a seat at my table.

"Yeah. She's a great sister. I love her with all my heart." I say pulling out my phone and scrolling through Instagram.

After I took custody of Mari, I had to think of a way to get large amounts of money fast. I was walking down the way to the store so I could buy some groceries when I saw a poster up on a pole.


Stupid rain, why does it rain right when I walk one step out of my house then it gets harder every time I take a step.

I hold close to my now soaking wet jacket, how am I gonna stay stable with barely any money left, it's been a year and money is running low.

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