Humorous Narrative: "My Sister"

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My Sister

I have a little sister

And nothing would she wear

But some bright red lipstick

And her underwear

She flashed to all the neighbours

And made the old men blush

At least she kept her knickers on

And didn’t show her b***

One day she ordered pizza

And heard the knock on door

She quickly rushed to answer

Her jaw fell to the floor

The delivery boy was waiting

Stood upon the step

Not the normal guy this time

He looked like Johnny Depp

His bosses must have told him

My sister was hot stuff

And dealing with her antics

Well they had had enough

This time with our order

We got a little present

The delivery boy was naked

So our pennies were well spent

‘Come in and stay for supper.

Would you like some garlic bread?’

‘Nah I don’t do garlic,

Just lipstick on my head’

‘I don’t provide that service’

She pushed him out the door

‘Shame, I only did this round

Coz I heard you’re up for more’

My sister covers up now

Too late I hear you say

Reputation ruined

Will never go away

But she has learnt her lesson

And covers up quite drab

Keeping well away from Johnny

And his hot doner kebab.

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