Chapter 1

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You know that little voice in your head when your about to do something stupid and you were deeply going to regret it in the morning? Deku was having it right now. He didn't think kissing a frog on the mouth because of a dare was the right thing to do butt..... it was a dare. All of class 1-A was watching he could exactly back down. So deku kissed the frog. It slimy skin on his mouth and he instantly. Wiping his tongue as he couldn't wash the feeling of yuck off his mind.

"YEAH, deku you the man!" denki said smiling and putting an arm on my shoulder. I could only make a messy grin as I tried not to show my dislike of the creature.

"I can't believe you went through with it." Todo said shaking his head but despite my mind attempting to keep my lunch down I could feel like it coming up. I began to run quickly parting the group as I left with a few giggles as I ran back to the dorms before just making it to the kitchen sink. The taste of vomit washed over him. Slowly finally regaining his control over his gag reflexes he feel to the ground because stubbing to the fridge. He smiled happy to see his apple juice that was always taken by Kacchan was still there. He quickly poor a glass and sat in a chair. That was the last thing he remembered before waking up in hospital.

"Sweety. Your awake!" I looked up to see my mother face looking down on me, a handkerchief in her hand and tear down her face. I jolted up of the bed. Confusion and concern turned in my head but I grasped onto my mother hands. They were warm very warm. She smiled back at me through her misty eyes.

"Whats going on?" I asked but she only continued to cry her tear now starting to collect on her clothes like pools in a rock pool. But she continued to smile. Her mind completely concentrating on that smile as deku could she her hankerchielf lay useless in lap as she brought her hands to her childs face.

"You know your one lucky person deku I tell you that" A voice said from the shadows he turned to see Mr Aizawa standing there in his black outfit and normal black underlines under his red eyes.

"What's going on?"

"Haven't you noticed?" only this time it wasn't my teacher that was talking but instead my mother. For a few seconds he stared at him confused. Then she gestured to his body. Deku looked down at it almost expect to see it broken and slashed but instead it was far worst. His hand ran down my body down where my chest used to be to discover two things attached to me. He looked at horror at his mum. He was a girl. He sat there is shock just watching her.

"I thought I would have to spell it out to you. Gosh... as you noticed you're a girl. Recovery girl told me. not that i... Ahem. Anyway I sure your wondering why? And honestly so was I but it turns out. This is actually the best result. In fact, right now you're really lucky."


"Because you not dead. You managed to do two stupid things in the span of 20 minutes that should have killed you but didn't."


"The frog you kissed. It was toxic, toxic enough to kill forty people and then a few more. And then while I guess not being that stupid as you had no idea what you were doing. Drinking spiked apple juiced laced with a poison so toxic it could have killed a whale. Instead the two poisons mixed creating an antidote for each other and as a by-product you were turned into a girl."

"So this isn't a dream?" deku muttered to himself.

"No. It actually works out alright. You see we have no idea who spiked the apple juice and thanks to you your whole dorm didn't have it as breakfeast the next morning and as they didn't kiss a frog they would have all died. So you can see the UA traitor is getting more and more bold. We need to send in our own spy. Someone we know couldn't be UA traitor. Someone we could trust. And someone new who could mix with everyone and have no history. To investigate. And who identity could be maintained throughout solidly."

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