Chapter the Sixteenth: Opal

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I take a deep breath, settling myself on my bunk as I flip through my homework. There's just so much of it!

I try the shield thing, first, managing to get the shield to open on my second try. It surprises me so much that I drop it, letting it clang to the floor.

"Ruby, can you practice that somewhere else?" Bella pokes her head up from the bottom bunk. "I'm trying to do my enemy recognition homework."

"Oh, can we do that together? I didn't understand it at all," says Kaitlynn, joining Bella on her bed.

I sigh and climb down the ladder to retrieve my shield. I close it with a faint, shing!

"It's only the first day of school and we already have so much homework,"I say.

I struggle through Creatures homework and completely tank on Everyday skills. Finally I sigh and put down the work. "I'm going down to dinner. Does anyone want to join me?"

I climb down the ladder to find Kaitlynn and Bella completely engrossed in their work, chatting sometimes to ask a question.

"Okay," I shrug and head out the door.

Dinner is a lively affair. It's a buffet (my favorite) and people can come and go whenever they want. I grab a plate and head through the line.

"Hey, Ruby!"

I turn to see a girl from my Creature's class, Jemma, waving to me. I head over to where she's sitting.

"Do you want to sit with us?" she asks.

I nod and sit down next to her, and we go around the table making introductions. Several of the kids have classes with me, so I know their names already.

"Could you do the Everyday Skills homework?" asks Jemma. "It was exhausting!"

"I gave up halfway through," I admit.

Jemma laughs. "It's always good to refuel with food," she says.

I finish my food and realize that I need to finish my homework.

When I get back to my room, Bella and Kaitlynn are nowhere to be seen. I assume they've gone down to dinner or have been taking a walk, so I settle back on my bunk to finish homework.

After a while, I find myself gazing out the window. The sun is just setting, turning the sky all sorts of beautiful colors. The ocean reflects all of them, painting a masterpiece in the sky.

I sigh, and I realize that this is exactly where I'm meant to be, even if I'm not supposed to be here.

I'm glad that I came. 

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