Chapter the Twelfth: Opal

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"We have decided to let you stay at the school," says Carrie, her long nails tapping on her desk. The sound is driving me crazy.

"Why....why wouldn't I be able to stay at the school?" I ask nervously.

Carrie sighs. She looks more frazzled than I've seen her before. Her hair is all over her head and her nail polish is chipped in some places.

"Ruby. We think that your powers are....dangerous. The ability to manipulate anyone through their brains and emotions? We haven't had a power this strong in centuries. In fact, there is-was, now, I guess-a spell that was cast over the realms of magic that specifically forbids any magic this strong. You are a threat, Ruby. You could hurt someone,"

I hang my head, though I don't know what I'm sorry for. I didn't choose my power, it was already there.

"Ruby. We are letting you stay here. You will get specialized training immediately, along with going to your regular classes."

I nod. "Thank you, Carrie. I'll be sure to be careful with my power,"

"Your schedule will arrive tonight and classes start on Monday. And Ruby? Be careful. There are many....creatures in the world who would love to have your power."

I nod and get up to leave, thinking about what Carrie said. Was it a threat? It sure felt like it. 

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